
Does any one know of a chat room to speak about the paranormal that you don't have to pay for?

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Does any one know of a chat room to speak about the paranormal that you don't have to pay for?




  1. If you are really serious about this, try it's got some interesting true stories.

  2. Paratracker.Org has a free online forum. Sorry, don't know of any chatrooms.

  3. Yes.  Try

  4. chat, no, forums, yes.

  5. I know this is a tad off subject, but I saw a post in here that made my jaw drop.

    Just because one person got scammed really wrecks it for everyone else.

    I run a "paranormal" group. We call ourselves paranormal investigators. The Fraser Valley Paranormal Society does not charge money for anything. We do not get paid. How is that a scam? Sure, we have a donation box and a link to our online store on our web page, but that is honestly being hopeful.

    The only thing we ask is that our members buy their own camera, ect, to join is free. Besides that, if a client wants a CD compiled, burnt, and mailed to them, its only $4 to cover cost of cd and shipping to mail it out.

    Our site also has a chat room, but its lonely in there right now, we've only been online for a short time...

  6. Try PalTalk.  Pretty interesting chat place with a bunch of different rooms, subjects, etc.  They have a paranormal room under spirituality....psycics too...all for free.


    Here's another good one.

  8. go to and enter chatrooms

  9. Anyone involved with the "paranormal" is a scam artist, therefore be prepared to pay. By definition a scam is set up to relieve the gullible of their money.

    Jessica, you are condemmed by your own words.

    And after all, what proof have you got? I would  have heard it on the news, would I not?

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