
Does any one know of any?? (quick 10 points)

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Please help me? I've been trying to jumpstart my acting career but it's difficult for me because as a kid I don't know where to go!

Does anyone know of any auditions this month (August) held on Staten Island or New York City? Could you give me all the information?Please?

I've tried everysite out there so please I just would like to know of any open calls for productions -big or small- on Staten Island and New York City.

Thank you soo much! You don't know how much this means to me! =)

I promise 10 points!!




  1.    No offense, but keep the points. I agree with Russ. Get to doing some research on your own. As stated, NYC, GAZILLIONS of opportunities exist.

       Your age aside, certainly any involvement has to be age appropriate, and sanctioned by your parents, who will have to be involved in a legal sense.

  2. New York City? Are you kidding? Did you look in the newspaper (newsstand)? Call the various acting companies (phone book)? Do you have an agent (phone book)? Look in the "trades" (newsstand). You aren't going to "jump start" anything if you don't get out of your chair and get noticed.

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