
Does any one know swedish ???!?!?

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i recently went to sweden for the first time and i made a video on youtube... they keep commenting it and i have NOO idea what they're saying... can someone just like go on and translate the comments? it would be kinda helpful.. o i went to sweden alone i just met up with my friend that lives there and we hung out. i dont know that much swedish.




  1. haha va söt! och för alla er som undrar varför man vill lära sig svenska så stäng mun o va glada! om folk vill lära sig svenska så får dom väll göra de o då blir ju svenskan ett "större" språk lr hur?

    eller är ni sånna svennar som hatar när folk i andra länder förstår vad ni säger...

    "Oh how cute! And for all of you who wonder why someone would want to learn Swedish, shut your mouth & be happy! If people wanna learn Swedish, they're allowed, and then Swedish will become a larger language, right?

    Otherwise you are just Swedes who hate when people in other countries understand what you're saying..."

    Message me and I will reply with more translations, as there's not enough room in yahoo answers for it all....

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