
Does any one know the discovery of global warming?

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Does any one know the discovery of global warming?




  1. Global warming was first discovered by Grokk and Iggokk, two brothers who noticed the glaciers covering what is now Kansas were receding.

    They predicted the end of all life on Earth if their neighbors didn't stop using fire.

  2. yes, it is where it gets colder in florida than it does new york, because glaciers are melting. it is caused by people using air conditioning. ( don't use it when you're not home) Polar bears and penguins are dying because of it.

  3. Global warming theory was first proposed by Swedish chemist Svante Arrhenius in the late nineteenth century, when he calculated (roughly) the effect a doubling or halving of atmospheric carbon dioxide would have on global temperatures.

    The theory finally gained acceptance in the late 1930's when English engineer Guy Stewart Callendar postulated that the recently discovered rise in global temperatures could be explained by rising levels of CO2 from industrial use of fossil fuels.

    The theory of anthropogenic global warming has been shape and built on by many scientists over the past century. The history is really quite fascinating and I encourage anyone who has an interest in science, whether you accept the theory or not, to read this brilliant account of the theory by physicist and science historian Spencer Weart. It can be read online for free here:

  4. Well, Al Gore thinks he discovered it, but in actuality there is no such thing.........Seriously

    It has been proven by scientist that the same amount of water has been on this earth in many forms, being snow, rain, sleet, glaciers,  etc....since scientist has been measuring.

    Most all scientist dispute Al Gores claim.

    He shows glaciers with vast ice and thickness falling into oceans.........Duh, that is part of the process.

    What he fails to show everyone is the snow blizzards that take place to replace what has fallen.....And besides, scientis say that what he has shown is during spring time, when it happens naturally.......

    You have a computer......find out the facts about weather on it.

  5. this has alot of good info. it was not discovered but slowly evidence began to amount.

  6. James Hansen of the NASA Goddard Institute for Space Studies first made predictions of Anthropogenic Global Warming (AGW) or warming caused by people, back in 1988. There were many conflicting theories prior to that, including that the Earth was cooling, it was flat, all life would end if a plane broke the sound barrier, you'd die if you moved 40 mph (you'd be unable to breathe).

    The only test for a theory is if it turns out to be true and it's too soon to say if we're going to continue to get warm or if it's getting warm primarily because of human activity. Sorry, it's not too soon to say, since nearly everyone will tell you one way or another. It's just too soon to say with certainty.

    Modern day AGW theory is generally attributed to James Hansen as cited above.

  7. what do u mean? i do know that we're r killing the planet with all the garbage we're producing!

  8. It is not real

  9. I believe global warming was first discovered when man had to stop hunting woolly mammoth due to their extinction.  (I find it amusing how so many want to blame man for the woolly mammoth's extinction, then claim Native Americans were in harmony with nature...who do they think hunted the mammoth?)

  10. The history of the scientific understanding on global warming is summarized in detail on this site:

    The author Spencer R. Weart is Director of the Center for History of Physics of the American Institute of Physics (AIP) in College Park, Maryland, USA.  

    There's more information on global warming on the American Institute of Physics site:

    Impacts of Global Warming

    The Discovery of Global Warming

    This physicist's own informed conclusion on global warming appears here:

  11. I don't exactly know what your saying, all i know is that global warming is bull c**p...

  12. Come to North Dakota. There is no global warming.

  13. Rob, boyfriend of Gloria,  when they were dating, unintentionally lit a match in Archie's bedroom.

  14. Mom of a boy and girl has it right.  I might add that in the seventies we  were warned about the coming gobal cooling.  PS  Al Gore lives in a twenty room mansion in Nashville Tennessee.  Those global warming movie stars seem to be living pretty large also.

  15. its a hoax

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