
Does any one know the name of a 1970,s rag doll she was 3ft long with blond plaits and strippy legs?

by  |  earlier

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pretty face that was hard plastic, she was very popular although 3ft long, the main length of her was her legs




  1. Was it Rainbow Brite?

    Did it have freakishly long arms and legs? If so it wasn't Rainbow Brite

    I remember I had one and it was scary...I've burried it at a crossroads with a stake through its heart!

  2. Sounds like Blythe to me - I've still got her!!!

  3. There was a rag dolly Anna but not sure if thats the one your talking about...

  4. i fink mush is rite god them legs

  5. Well, shoot. I know the one you mean exactly and can't find her anywhere. I don't believe she's Raggedy Anne or Sasha or Pippa or Blythe or Annette or Gemmette or Sally, based on my searches so far and the many pictures I've seen. At this point I can only suggest you go here: and then come back and tell us later, before I go completely loopy.

  6. i remember them had 1 myself but cant remember what they were called, i made my own name up for mine.

    edit: just spent last 40 mins on e-bay lol still cant find anything.

    i would say they must be rare because if i remember right the faces cracked quite easily on them.

    ps just had a look at the raggedy anne doll its not the one the questioner is asking for.

  7. Apart from what's already named all I can think of is Holly  Hobbie

  8. Her name was Raggedy Anne, her male counterpart was Raggedy Andy. My kids had them and loved them!   cheers   :)

  9. my daughter had one called pippi longstocking

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