
Does any one know the smallest nuclear bomb ever built.?

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Does any one know the smallest nuclear bomb ever built.?




  1. Not a good question to ask on an international forum during wartime. Someone might think you're a terrorist...(not that I'm paranoid).

  2. I have heard the Israelis have some tactical nuclear weapons intended for battlefield use.  I don't know what the yield would be on such a device though (and I know the Israelis won't tell me), but it would almost certainly be less than the strategic warheads the US has in its stockpile.

  3. watch the movie screamers the weapon at the end of that film is really cool i think thats the smallest nuke, but yeh as u know its just a fictional weapon or is it?

  4. The smallest functional nuclear weapon, to the best of my recollection, was a fairly small caliber artillery shell designed for use on the battlefield during th e1950's/60's. I believe it had a mere 1/2 kt yield.

  5. The first was 20kt.  I believe the 2nd bomb was 12kt.

    Do you mean yield, or do you mean physical size?

    Because nukes require a critical mass of plutonium, there are certain minimum size requirements.

  6. three bombs:

    - the atomic cannon, shot out of a field gun (vid obtainable on youtube)

    - the suitcase nuke (the government admits the existence of those)

    - the tactical backpack nuke (also admitted to be real)

  7. trust me I know this one........ the suit case nuke. It is not as destructive but is high is radioactive particles so it kills slowly. Personally if I had to be nuked, please make it the big one so I don't even feel it coming!

  8. YES!  Take this with a grain of salt.  Do you know where to look for your question?  Read the 1927 Physics books.

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