
Does any one know what color a stop sign is?im color blind and i need to know this for a test-please answer?

by  |  earlier

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Does any one know what color a stop sign is?im color blind and i need to know this for a test-please answer?




  1. A Stop sign is a red octagon with white lettering.

  2. it's red.

  3. its red

  4. It's red and it's an octagon.

  5. RED

  6. everyone is playing a joke on you. A stop sign is green

  7. It is Red with White lettering

  8. Stop signs are red.

    I can't help but wonder how you know what color the traffic lights are if you can't tell that a stop sign is red. Sounds dangerous.

  9. Red with white letters, good luck.

  10. It is red.

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