
Does any one know what the Armenian genocide is?

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Im armenian russian and greek and i know what the genocide curious if any one knows what it is as well




  1. Yes, I do. The general ignorance of this event was justification for Hitler to commit his own genocide against the Jews, when he said that "no one remembers the Armenians."

  2. Its Assyrian, Armenian, and Greek Genocide.

    the IAGS (International Genocide Scholars Association) is the biggest association of genocide-scholars. And this association has officially recognize the genocide on the Assyrian people.

    here you can read the press release:

    here you can read it again on here website (second point: "26 December 2007: Genocide Scholars Association Officially Recognizes Ottoman Genocides Against Armenians, Assyrians, Greeks and Other Christians"):

  3. hi,

    you known very well , this isn't genocide , this is only massacre between two peoples.

    here are some info.about this so-called genocide...

    *MANGO , ANDREW: Some Recent Books on the Armenians and the Next Stage in The Historiography of Turkish-Armenian Relations.

    *20 New Documents on Armenian Issue from Tsarist Archives (1914-1918) by Mehmet Perincek

    *1) Dashnagtzoutiun Has Nothing To Do Anymore -Hovhannes Katchaznouni Manifesto

    The Manifesto of Hovhannes Katchaznouni

    First Prime Minister of the Independent Armenian Republic

  4. The simple fact of accusing Turks with a lie is a reason for being reported...

    Fake tears, imaginary tales, bribes to foreign politicians and agressive propaganda are certainly not the right solution...

    Even if , indeed, there have been many Armenian victims, you should also remember all the Turkish victims...

    Do you know the difference between a genocide and a war ?

  5. There's no point in arguing about it.  I don't believe a genocide ever took place and this was after spending much time doing my own research on this topic with an opened mind.  All I know is that it's up to the historians to sort this out and make a direct yes or no to whether this issue is true or false.

  6. The "Armenian Genocide" refers to a period (1915 to 1918) when the government of Turkey practiced deliberate policies which led to the deaths of an estimated 1.5 million people.

    The word 'genocide' is generally accepted to mean a systematic, planned extermination of an entire national, racial, political, or ethnic group, with people being targetted for death simply because they belong to the group.

    Because the genocide took place during the years of World War One, international attention was drawn away from what was happening to the Armenians, even though the anti-Armenian actions were initially condemned by many nations.

    But with the war taking a huge toll on their own resources, the plight of the Armenians was virtually forgottn, and when the war was over the terrible after effects of the genocide meant there were not many people to speak up from within the Armenian community.

    Nevertheless, Armenian people around the world have worked hard to ensure the tragdy of 1915 - 1918 has not been entirely forgotten.

    Even though the Turkish government denied the genocide for many years, in recent times some Turkish politicians have admitted to the events and sought to bring a reconciliation between the Armenian people and the Turkish state.

    Unfortunately, powerful interests within Turkey, including 'nationalist' forces, have meant this prospect remains distant.

    Even today, the Armenian genocide remains a part of history that is not well known in the mainstream, even by people who take an interest in history and politics.

    Cheers :-)

  7. Well, I know what it is and I can share it with you so what about reading the real facts about the so-called genocide:

  8. Yes everyone knows about it.

    and here is the best site  to use and see the truth...

  9. hullo, my name is trotskiyan I am a starving Armenian professor at the university of Erivan. You might find what I've written below familiar to you.

    Im Circassian, Chechen, Turkish, Russian, Crimean, Georgian, Azeri, Ethiopian and i don't know from which fairy tale the armenian genocide is taken from. im curious if anyone knows what "propaganda" is as well.

    Now, I just proved a historical fact before your eyes, Turks, give Armenians money! Dollars, green green dollars!

  10. did you know the n**i's sent there army to the boarder and in the uniform of the polish people started to shoot and kill germans and then this was broadcast to the people as the reason they invaded.

    (yeah I know that too)

    sorry about the page it seems to be a "white power" thing but this is all i could find (on the internet)

  11. Thanks to system of a down and serj tankian yes, yes i do

  12. yes

    the murder of milions of Armenians by the Turks during WW1

    and before

  13. Of course everyone knows about it.  The US doesn't recognize it in fear of Turkey not letting them use their military base there so they just call it a "mass killing".  Many countries have officially recognized it.  The Turks deny it because they are brainwashed even though they won't get into the EU without recognizing what they did.  And of course the Armenians, Assyrians, & Greeks know it very well.

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