
Does any one know what the sonic commercial - do you want fries with that shake means?

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Does any one know what the sonic commercial - do you want fries with that shake means?




  1. It's an old come on that girls use to pick up guy at dance! 40's late 50's time period!


  3. I haven't seen that commercial, but that is a pick-up line that generally refers to the wiggling a woman may do while she walks- the shake. Do you want fries with that?

    Did it hurt?

    Did what hurt?

    When you fell from heaven...

    (I don't recommend trying these, by the way.)

  4. yes its a pick up line it usually goes wold u like a burger to go with that shake watch the little rascles

  5. yes i do

  6. Not really.I hate their commercials so much!Besides,Dairy Queen is better!

  7. are you kidding? it means like a girls is shaking her ***.

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