
Does any one know where i can get a wii fit from?

by Guest55562  |  earlier

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any clue if any in stock or when they might be back in stock

or if any in good condition with everthing that it came from




  1. ARGOS

    Search online and reserve one (no details needed) as soon as you see it in stock - if not in stock, try some of the other stores it suggests.  You then have 48 hours to pick it up.

    Got mine on Monday after only looking one day and a friend did the same yesterday - its £69.99

    Also, some people reserve and don't pick up so it goes back to in stock - seriously have the best chance of getting one on argos (well thats what I found - game, toys r us, currys are a nightmare!

    Don;t pay over the top to the ebay rats eitehr!

  2. Dunno but Ive got one and its wicked.  I got mine from Game in Bluewater Kent when they randomly got 5 in stock and I was in the store.  Pure luck.

  3. because it one of the best selling things they get out of stock so quickly so you should pre order one from your local game shop or argos or wool worths any where thay may sell them or order one online. is a good website for game consoles ect;

  4. Holp this help...

  5. Check out these wii fit trackers.

  6. Try calling every store, i got mine from blockbuster, when it was my first time trying to get it!, if you call every store, and ask them, they might have it, mabye look online too.  

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