
Does any one like my poetry? New at it and want to know if I'm good or not.?

by  |  earlier

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I hate you more than anything

and you still dont understand

you broke my heart in two my friend,

my soul will never mend.

i wish more than anything

that you were still with me

i'd be able to smile again

my heart'd be filled with glee

i love you more than anything

and i wish i had you here

but instead of saying sorry

i just shed an empty tear

Together we were stronger than anything

our friendship would always last

but i quickly found out that this was wrong

and our love was not that vast

"Together forever," we always said

"nothing can tear us apart!"

our words were true until that day

HE came and took my heart

Everything was still okay

now a trio we hung out

but there was anger among us three

hatred and anger lurking about

But you didn't show it around us

you hid it the best you could

you never showed your anger or sadness

just like any best friend would

I never paid attention

your pain was an empty voice

Until that day you went over the edge

and forced me to make a choice

I chose him over you

and to this day i still rue it

i should have never chosen

and the second i did i knew it

I knew that I had made a mistake

I knew that I did wrong

And I will regret it every second

in this life that is so long.

I miss you Nikki

So what do you think. Should i quit or keep venting through the pen?




  1. really good poem it real emotional and most people including me no what its like to choose a lover over a friend and how they regreted it it a good poem you should definetly keep up the good work and you are a natural i added some details to my question i was wondering if you could read it again and give me some more info it was the one about what form i should wright my book

  2. Actually, I think u should keep writing, because the poem is good, and by u expressing ur feelings on paper, is awesome. I write poems 2, i've been writing for over 10 yrs. so yeh u keep writing ur poems, and most of all keep the rough draft written one on paper and as a matter of fact if u still have the 1st  one u've written, make sure u put ur whole name, and date it. Hope that help because if u date them and put ur name on it then no one else can claim it or publish it!!!!!!

  3. SUPERB!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!...

    I LOVED it!!!

    It tells a story and has a lot of emotion.

    I am doubting you are new at this, lolz! =P

    I agree with the first, you SHOULD enter it in a contest!


    I submit most of mine there. Otherwise I used to do Celebration of Young Poets books.

    If you want to get more comments or if you just wanna save it then you MUST check out:

    join join join, you could do great writings and display them, but others won't be able to use them. Copyrights!

  4. awesome!  :D

  5. That is an amazing poem! You should try to find some contest to enter it in! I'd make a neat copy of this with pictures of you and Nikki smiling with arms around you on your computer and print it out and slip it in her locker or something! She'll forgive you! But you have amazing skills and great potental! Keep writingg!

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