
Does any one live in germany that does not mine looking up something for me.?

by  |  earlier

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music related




  1. I live in the US but have 2 sons in Germany, send your question to my email adress, we will find out for you.

  2. Go to the link below (it is the German Yahoo Answers and there the music category) and ask your question (the specific information you are looking for) there. Most people in Germany understand English and I'm sure you will find helpful people.

    Yahoo sometimes deletes questions which are not in the language of the site, though. I think that this is poor practice. It might be listed for some days anyway.

  3. I´m living in Germany. What´s the question?

  4. fire away! i live in the uk, but should be able to answer your question(s)!

  5. Ja mein liben Vas ist, tas.  No sorry cant help, bonjour

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