
Does any one no dis riddle???

by  |  earlier

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the was this guy called Ben. he had just escaped from prision for the 5th time. so the the police put him im a 18 ft concrete cell (no one could escape) they only gave him a table and a chainsaw. in the morning after he had been locked in he had gone. the were no saw mark on the wall. how did he escape???




  1. why the h**l did they give a prisoner a chainsaw????????????

  2. This is an impossible riddle. Quote".... concrete cell (no one could escape)." un-quote.  Then you go on to say Quote" how did he escape??? un-quote. Sorry but you cannot have it both ways.

  3. Chloe:"They forgot to use cement?"

    Me:"Ok.....Chloe here's the answer"

    "He used the saw to half the table.

    Then put the two halves together to make a whole.

    He climbed in the hole and escaped."

  4. Yes, you take the chainsaw and cut the table in half. Then you put the two halves back together to make a 'Whole'. Use the 'Whole' to escape.

    It's a play on words and a lousy riddle

  5. cut it in half and made a hole

  6. hi jonny its me ur bro

  7. he saw the table into 2 halves, then joined them again'

    2 halves make one whole so he crawled through the hole

  8. He opened the door and walked out.

  9. he took the wood, made a door cut out the wall then put the door there then walked out.

  10. He was supposed to be given a mirror and a table. He looked in the mirror, to see what he saw. He took the saw, cut the table in halves. two halves make a whole. He crawled out of the hole.

  11. This is such an old and stupid riddle.

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