
Does any one no how to ice skate that can give me some tips?

by Guest58255  |  earlier

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Does any one no how to ice skate that can give me some tips?




  1. well im a figure skater. do you want figure skating tips or ice skating? what skates are you using? if you are using figure skates make sure not to get your toepicks caught in the ice because you will fall. when you push make sure you extend the push all the way to your toes because the most power comes from the very end of the push. hold your arms up for balance, we figure skaters do this even when we are advance because it looks good. dont slouch, back straight, remember to bend your knees

  2. don't use normal shoes u need to wear ice skates

  3. wow noooo never just jking you need to push of from behind you whith you feet turned out thats the best i can give you

  4. knees bent, eyes up, arms up, just glide

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