
Does any other animals see in black and white besides the dog?

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Does any other animals see in black and white besides the dog?




  1. only three animals can see in color. one of them is a giraffe

  2. What absolute rubbish.  Dogs DO see in colour.  

    At least get your facts right.

  3. Dogs do see color just on a limited spectrum. They pick up yellows and green on a very muted scale and purple as well i believe.

  4. I thought that the dog could see in color but not cat.

  5. Dogs don't see in black and white, they see a full spectrum of colors just like we do. However, they can't see the variations of color that we do. Like, teal or pink, they just see blue or red.

    Its been proven by teaching dogs with colored blocks. They would train the dog to recognize a color like orange by showing it color cards, clothing objects, etc, and then lead it to a room with seven different colored blocks and say "find ORANGE" and the dog would find the orange block.  

  6. cats

  7. Contrary to popular myth, dogs do not see in black and white only - they see colors but the spectrum of color they see is muted - not as bright as what we see.

    However, they have much better depth perception and ability to see in lower light than humans.

    Same goes for cats, but cats see even better in low light.

    I doubt that ANY animal sees only in black and white, they just see different spectrums of color than humans do.

  8. to the first person who answered this: there are a lot more animals that can see in colour than just three.

    For instence, the dog, cat, rabbit, giraffe, shark, dolphin, fish, some birds, horses, bulls, and a lot more!!

  9. Dogs do not see in black and white.  They just don't see colors as vividly as people do.

  10. i have herd that zebra do....

  11. i dunno

  12. I've heard that some birds do

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