
Does any other female struggle with PMT/PMS like me?

by  |  earlier

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It's awful.

I get VERY




*teary eyed


*bad back pain

*tummy cramps



I feel like PMS/PMT is ruining my life. I've tried just about everything except birth control. I take Evening Primrose Oil daily. I've tried Agnus Castus but that just made me break out in pimples. I've changed my diet. I exerise and NOTHING is helping. I don't want to go on birth control because last time I tried it I was very sick taking it.




  1. I do.... but i went on birth control and it made it alot better.. I dunno what else you could do if u cant take birth control.. Maybe u should try a diff. kinda of birth control maybe the one u were on just made u sick. I am on the nuva ring and it has helped alot.

  2. yes i get SO pissy! Everyone gets anoyed with me and i get a saw back and cramps

  3. If u include nausea & vomiting that was me!! What I did was take Midol for PMS and drink tea for the first day and a half then I was fine, but I went thru this for years!! I even went to see my doctor to see if something was wrong with me!!! I eventually started taking birth control pills and even now I still get moody and slight cramps but at least I can function thru the day! If its real bad check with your gyno just to make sure nothing is going on. Hope I helped.

  4. me too! i know the feeling! i think the pill should help though! i am gonna try it!  

  5. yeh just not back pains and consipation... sufferinf with it at the min... :(

    anadin extra is the best :)


  6. From day one my periods had me bedridden for ten days every month. The stomach cramps, back pain, vomiting, depression and panic attacks were an absolute misery. I tried everything, drugs, prescription drugs, the pill, nothing worked. In 1999, I started Depo-provera injections, one every three months and I havent had a period since. It has made my life wonderful and the freedom is addictive. I will never have another period as long as I live.

  7. I used to get almost all of those including the terrible cramps.

    While you are against it the only thing that slightly dulled these was the Pill for me.

    If you had a problem with one brand ask your Dr to prescribe another, there are plenty around.

    But if natural remedies and diet/exercise dont help there isnt much else.    

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