
Does any other guy out there hate it when people comment on his height/size?

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As far as coffee's answer (#3), I don't understand why people always say 'You can't change it, so why worry?' If I complained that I was too fat, I wouldn't worry, I'd lose weight...but I have to worry about this because I'm powerless to change it.




  1. Sorry I'm not a guy, but I think I can slightly relate. If I spend more than a minute outside people will "compliment" me on my tan. It's obviously not a compliment(they say it with an implied, "who's been at the tanning beds") but I'm a pretty outdoorsy person and can't help it if I tan well. It does get super annoying though. I think sometimes people will comment on things they either are jealous of or are just obvious (really tall,really tan etc..) So I guess unless you want to cut off your legs, and I want to live in my basement, it's just something to live with.  

  2. i understand what you are saying here...i have a lazy eye that always wonders lol i hate it...but your build sounds attractive to mi....i would love to meet a nice guy of your build xxxx

  3. Whether you buy it or not, the truth is, you only have one body.  There's only one person who is going to truly appreciate, love and nurture that body.  I advise you to take care of it the best way you can.  Eat right and wear things that are flattering to you.  Otherwise, I would suggest trying to identify why such a thing that you can't change is such an issue.  No one is going to value you more that you.

  4. Actually my own height and weight are almost identical to yours.

    I stopped worrying about the occasional comment a long time ago. When first meeting someone new, some people (unimaginatively) will comment about the most obvious thing they see. In your case, your height- for somone else, their red hair, freckles, skin color, big hands, whatever. I know it can be annoying at times, but there is nothing you can do.

    You (we) are not a freak, just a little above average. Nothing to worry about or anything. Certainly better than being below average.

    I don't understand why this is such a big issue for you- is something else going on that makes you focus on this? As you said, a lot of guys would kill to be as tall as us, so why not be proud of it?

    *EDIT* I don't play sports either, and dont have a girlfriend to protect (I'm g*y- my husband can easily fend for himself.) I understand, you may wish your height was more 'average', but it is not. There is absolutely nothing you can do to change it, so just accept it and focus on somethig else. I'm merely  trying to point out - it could be a lot worse. Being tall is not a bad or shameful thing.

    *EDIT* You are not getting the point- don't worry about things you cannot change! It is a waste of your time and energy!  EVEYONE has something about themselves they wish was different, but if there is nothing that can be done, stop worrying. Focus on things that you CAN change and try to be a better person for it.

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