
Does any other parent get glitter rage?

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My daughter goes to kindergarten 4 half days a week. We have finally entered the wonderful world of glitter and glue, paintings, drawings and crafts. She made her Dad a fathers day card and it is beautiful, but we have now got glitter from one end of the house to the other. It gave me glitter rage, what about all you other parents???




  1. I hate Glitter. I clean it up, and it re-appears in the strangest spots. It's crazy.

    It's on the couches, chairs, in the kitchen, bathrooms. Oh I hate glitter.

    Better off you, than me. I couldn't handle it right now, I'd still be cleaning it now.

  2. Errrrrr no, I think you are being a tad melodramatic

  3. No,and aren't you tiring of this rage, that rage and other phony ailments made up by people who can't drive, can't spell and can't cope with normal living conditions?  Nearly three months after Father's Day this new "rage" is getting posted?  Give me a break!

  4. be thankful you can use glitter. In Victoria (aust) kinders and playgroups you are not allowed to use glitter as it is deemed too dangerous (it was breathed in by a child who got some embedded and almost died)

    Remember that paintings are great wrapping paper for all the presents, if you hide the craft for a week and it is not asked for then sneak it out to the bin after they go to sleep. And your carpet and floors are now "all pretty" lol. It doesn't last forever. They get to school and you barely get any art and craft and by the 2nd or 3rd year they bring it home , show you and put it in the bin themselves. when they are adults and move out of the house, you will be vacuuming up that glitter (because you know glitter, it will still be there) and be wishing.

    for the day they ran out to show you there masterpieces (even if it is 24 box creations he has done that day and his twin has 15 she has done, i think I may have cried some that day as the kinder teachers laughed at me trying to get it to the car lol)

    EDIT, Charlie: mine are 9 now so maybe they have let up. But I was on commitee at playgroup and it was sent out by playgrouping Victoria that we were to throw away all glitter. As mothers we thought that was pretty stupid and use to just mix it into the glue so they got the sparkle without the dangers or more important the mess lol. Then at kinder it was the same. But that was scarily enough , 4 years ago now. Maybe they came to their senses

  5. Must be a girly thing, my boys don't get too excited about the glitter. If they do, it doesnt worry me too much, they mustn't use enough to end up everywhere!

    Rachel, I am in Vic too and our kids pre-school has glitter activities all the time. Guess they missed that memo!

  6. Put the following in a letter to your child's school.

    Knowing that glitter is just small bits of plastic, glass, and aluminum should help you evaluate its environmental impact. Leaving glitter on the ground is littering (or perhaps a whole new category of environmental offense: g-littering) and if you don't want to feel like a low-level plutocrat, you should reduce your glitter droppings. I imagine that glass and aluminum glitter could lacerate certain tiny soil-dwelling invertebrates, and glitter on the pavement will eventually get into sewer systems and end up in bodies of water. Other potential negative side effects of glitter include inhalation hazards. Small glitter would count as particulate matter and may aggravate asthma and other respiratory ailments.

  7. wife loves spending messy time with our 4 little ones,glitter gets every where,from the dinner table to there bedrooms,i put my suit on,went to a meeting,and was told that the sparkly effect on my cloathes and in my hair was lovely!!!!!

    great question A*

  8. lol-this was kind of funny for me.

    i have THREE girls (ages 9,7,and 6). in addition to them all loving crafts (yes glitter included), they ALL do cheerleading for a private company in our area.

    this involves major competitions every 3 months and along with that comes the glitter hairspray and glitter makeup we use so the judges can see their pretty faces and hair all done up!!

    it's super cute and the girls love (I have to admit so do I) but it drives my fiance crazy b/c there ends up being glitter all over the spare bathroom until I clean it (lol). he doesn't complain nearly as much as he used to b/c he thinks the girls look so cute when we're done.

    life of having girls i guess but I don't seem to mind it much.

    just wait till she starts wanting to do dance and ballet mom-here comes the glitter makeup in full force!!  : )

  9. Was thinking of letting my little girl do fathers day card to give to dad this sunday... but thanks, i think ill let her do it outside.. i dont want glitter all through the house. I'd also get annoyed.

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