
Does any pilot out there know the difference between contrails and chem trails?

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I keep posting q's about this issue and keep getting really messed up answers from retards that fly planes that disperse chemtrails. I just want to know if any pilots out there know the difference between the two. No offense.




  1. Contrails actually exist.

    Chemtrails are a myth created by extreme paranoids who believe the Government is spraying chemicals on them to make them sterile, or stupid, or some other ridiculous notion.

    ADDED...  Hey Ozzie!  Maybe it's working!  There seems to be more stupid people out there all the time!

  2. Yes.

    A contrail is a condensation trail, e.g. liquid or solid water.  Being liquid or frozen solid, it isn't vapor.

    A chemtrail is a chemical trail, e.g. silver iodide, herbicide, insecticide, carbon dioxide.

  3. they is a difference contrails and chemtrails chemical signature trails are most likely to be spent fuel  color dyed like barn stormers!

  4. there are only contrails, the conspiracery nuts think that jets fly around all day spraying chemicals.........there is no such thing as chemtrails................contarails happen when atmosphere is right to show condensation from the jet engines.....

  5. Contrails exist.  Chem trails do not exist.  Chem trails are a cultural myth, and they do not exist in real life.  Period; end of story.

    The devices that would be required to inject poisonous chemicals into the exhaust trails of jet engines would be impossible to hide.  The crew and mechanics would know about it, and they would make it public.

    So sorry.  Chem trails do not exist.

  6. No offense taken.  I can't add much to what the others have said.  Contrails are normal and happen all the time.  Chemtrails are a made up thing by crazy people.  Just think about it, if they wanted to spread chemicals to do something to people, they would fly them much lower.  Have you ever seen a crop duster?  The fly right off the deck, not at the flight levels.  The difference is the same as the difference between God and the tooth fairy.  One is normal and true, the other is a myth.

  7. Aviophage,Victor,JetDoc,grumpy its no use. We have been discovered. The jinx is up, our secret is out. Years and years of working for the CIA is down the drain. (Sarcasm) I just wanted the 2 points, no offense.

  8. contrails is formed by water vapor

    chem trails are from chemicals.

    sorry, I'm a general aviation pilot, I never go above FL180

    *edit* koma is right in a sense. aircraft don't fly round spraying toxic or non-toxic chems into the air.

    but a simple cropduster releases a chem trail.

  9. Basically, contrails are white trails of water vapor or ice crystals left behind an aircraft's engines at high altitude. A chemtrail is a substance dispersed behind an aircraft. "Chemtrails" are not at all compact or stringy. They disperse rapidly and can appear as an oily film. You're getting messed up answers from people claiming to be dispersing chemtrails but they likely aren't. First of all, if there actually is an illegal governmental operation going on, anybody participating is going to keep their mouth shut. Period. If somebody says they're making chemtrails, they're probably just lying lying to you. Unless they tell you they seed clouds. Cloud seeding is technically "chemtrailing", but most people who yell about chemtrails are unaware of it. It's a process that gives water vapor and ice particles something to adhere to. This helps droplets and flakes to form and increases precipitation. The intricacies of cloud seeding are too complex to explain here, but there is an exellent article on wikipedia if you're interested. Here's the catch. Cloud seeding is done by small and medium sized aircraft at medium altitudes. You can see the difference. I saw a plane in Southern New Mexico seeding with dry ice once. I had to use binoculars to see it clearly. It was twin prop aircraft somewhere around ten thousand feet. Certainly not at airliner altitudes. When you see an aircraft flying across the sky, leaving a trail, it's a jet leaving contrails. Regardless of how long they stick around or how fast the break up due to winds. That's all up to the meteorological conditions.

  10. One is a real, the other is a conspiracy theory..

    Sure lets put contaimanated fuel in thousands of airplanes to change the effect of an upproven theory of global warming...

  11. Contrails are the white vapor trails coming from an aircraft. Chem trails are things that some conspiri-tard dreamt up.

    They try to tell you that because they stay in they sky such a long time that the government is spraying chemicals, as if it uniquely an American phenominon. Does that mean then that every governement in every country is in on this? I've seen the "persistant contrails" in virtually every country I've been to.

  12. Technically speaking, the water and CO2 that come out of the exhaust are chemicals, hence EVERY airplane out there, whether they cause a contrail or not, are potential chemtrail vehicles. That being the case, yeah well I guess that makes me a chemtrail pilot.

    As far as the existence of some super secret government

    conspiracy involving spreading stuff high over our heads for nefarious purposes is concerned, well that's just unadulterated c**p. Some people will believe any good ghost story or yarn.

    The contrails that you see are nothing more than water vapor freezing at the upper altitudes, nothing more.

  13. The Chemtrail conspiracy theory claims that some trails left behind jet aircraft are different in appearance and quality from those of normal contrails, may be composed of harmful chemicals, and are being deliberately produced, and covered up by the government

    Contrails or vapor trails are condensation trails and artificial cirrus clouds made by the exhaust of aircraft engines or wingtip vortices which precipitate a stream of tiny ice crystals in moist, frigid upper air. Being composed of water, the visible white streams are not, in and of themselves, air pollution.

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