
Does any think John McCain has a good chance becoming president vs. obamma???

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  1. Let's get all of the old white men out of government positions.  Let's get younger more diverse people running our government.

  2. Obamma has it won, no doubt, sorry all you republicans who are gonna give this answer a thumbs down, it's the truth

  3. bush only proved one thing, how to take from the u.s. citizen, take a u.s. subsidy for baseball of all things, and get rich off your dollar in the name of freedom

  4. I think McCain is gonna win because america is just not ready for an african american president. Sad but true none the less.

    Check out this article and you'll understand where im coming from  

  5. NO

  6. According to Gallup it's a dead tie right now. Very exciting!

  7. Obama is gonna win....=]

  8. Yes.  Polls show McCain being competitive, at least.  With an unpopular president from the same party currently in office, this is amazing.

  9. Olivia, Mr. McCain is a really good man and a hero, but he obviously is having problems with his cognitive abilities and I worry about his health.  He already seems to have gone down hill and even according to those who know him, is letting some Bush campaign spinners tell him what to say.  This makes me very sad.

    Still, I think despite his youth, Obama is going to make a good President.  He will stumble now and then, but he will learn and I think our country badly needs the change he represents.

  10. god i hope not

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