
Does any1 know How i could get Al Gore's attention?

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I need to get Al Gore's attention because I have this great Idea for recycling, and I know he's really into the Global warming issue, as so am I. Please, any address, email, phone, fax number. Doesnt matter. Thanks for your help people.




  1. If its a good idea that everyone should try, then people need to know about it asap, maybe you should post it here ?. Am sure that Al Gore gets feed back from here from time 2 time.

  2. Al Gore does not operate a recyling plant.  He encourages every one to do it, just as he does himself.  Send your idea to your city council or state rep.! If it has real merit, it'll be considered.

  3. Send him a dead mouse in the mail.  That will get his attention I bet!

  4. Go on your local news and news paper, if it's really a good idea then your interview will get picked up by bigger stations. And so on and so on. Good luck hope you can really make a change.

  5. Well, if you have seen an inconvenient truth, you may as well know that he is busy showing his slideshow worldwide and he's also travelling across the world to places worst affected from global warming for research. But you can try you luck by giving articles in magazines relates to science and environment. he or his close ones or any famous environmentalist may read it and put your idea to life. you can also check    its the offcial an incon. truth website........

  6. keep on sending him letters

  7. Call your U.S. congressman.

  8. Not a chances-he is too busy how to save  this planet by rise taxes

  9. stick a rocket up his jacksy

  10. Burn a large pile of tires.....I'm sure someone will let him know about it.

  11. Sure, promise him a free meal. He apparently likes to eat a lot.

    Other than that, make up some outrageous lie regarding global warming. He likes to repeat anything he hears, whether it is true or not.

    DO NOT offer to debate him about AGW. He will never acknowledge you.

  12. tell him you know where manbearpig is.

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