
Does any1 know if i can put a plec in with chichilds

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I have a pleco in my tank and dont know what other fish to put in does any1 know if i can put chichilds in with my pleco as i dont want to go out and get them ifthey will kill it.




  1. Community fish doesn't harm the Plecos, however you need to know how big your type of pleco will be to keep similar size fish; any pleco will eat smaller fish when they get bigger!

  2. yes you just cant put plecos with other plecos

  3. I have two similar sized oscars in with my pleco and its been a month or two now and everyone is fine, remember no salt at all pleco's are scaleless fish and do not tolerate salt very well at all. i would say as long as they are of similar size they should all be fine...  

  4. yes no problem we put our big fellow in with our ciclids.we saw a beautiful plec in the petshop called a snowdrop plec.we bought it and no sooner had we put it in the tank and the 2 plecs started to have a real scrap biting each other etc so we took him back to the fish shop for a refund.

  5. Much would depend on the species of cichlids and plec.

    General rule of thumb; if they are roughly the same size they will ignore each other.

  6. hi. i had a tank of convicts with a plec in. they all got along great. the only time i had a bit of a problem and plec hid was when the convicts had fry. plec just stayed out of there way then!

    apart from that all was good.

  7. Hi,

    Yeah plecs will go with any fish, community, cichlids any.

  8. Well, that all depends.

    If your pleco is good-sized already, then a chichlid should not bother him, the sizes of both fish are the main concern here.  If you go out and buy chichlids that are much larger than the pleco you have, then they may act aggressively towards it. I had a problem with my large chichlid killing the baby plecos that are typically on sell at pet stores.

    Most plecos are docile fish, but can hold their own when being picked on if proportionate in size.

    It would be the safest choice to get chiclids that are smaller than your pleco or if your pleco is small now, wait for it to grow before buying those aggressive species of fish.

    Also make sure that you keep your chichlids well fed and in a proper gallon-sized tank to avoid stressing out either fish and causing unnecessary quarreling.

    Hope I could be of help. =]

  9. It depends on the type of cichlid, but if a similar size, normally they would be fine.  It would be best to have a couple hiding places for the pleco, since they are nocturnal.

    Also, large plecos have been known to strip the scales from other fish during the night.

  10. What type of cichlids, dwarf ones yes, african ones no, they are to aggressive.

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