
Does any1 know of a good work at home that will not rip me off. and easy.

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rick j




  1. what are you wanting to do? I refer travel online to my site. It is a full service travel company, set up in a network marketing model.

    Very cool concept, fun, and great money. The site is set up for you and everything-and you don't book a thing-Travelocity or the Concierge in Austin, TX handles it for you.

    I think it is an exciting alternative to the regular survey and paper stuffing ideas...

    Hope this helps!


  2. Hi, you may like to check out this site There are some work at home job offers.

  3. would you be interested in writing?

    You could setup a blog or website, this is completely free. Once you have added some good content, you can start to earn money from advertising. I know you wont make a huge income from this, but it would get you started working from home.

    Pick a topic which you are very interested in, and write a piece on that everyday.

    I've given step by step instructions on how to create a website for free, and then add adverts to it so you can start generating income.

    Any questions please leave a comment on this blog.

    I've also found some useful information on these blogs, it helps you to earn small amounts of money from data entry, surveys, receiving telephone calls, reading adverts in emails and online selling.

  4. I've setup a website which describes the best methods to find a real work from home job. I only include links to genuine websites for data entry and work at home jobs.

    If you need any more help please send me a private message on yahoo.

    Others I've found which have been very useful: (Data entry and home office type jobs)

    http://working-from-home-ireland.blogspo... (mainly IT and Admin jobs)

  5. I can guarantee you all the previous answers are frauds. If there was a simple, safe, and easy way to make money from home by filling out surveys, everyone would do it.

  6. What you want does not exist.  They will all ask for a small fee of $79 to get you started.  You will feel foolish when they send you 50 cents worth of paper. /

  7. I'm not sure what you mean by "program"?  Are you looking for a telecommute job?  Are you looking to have a home based business?

    I know a couple home jobs that you can look into and if you qualify for the position you can apply for.  I can't guarantee that you will get the job, but you can apply for them.  I also know a lot of people that have home based businesses in different industries and do very well in.  I'm not sure which your looking for?  Program to me is going to school.  So are you looking for a trait to learn and use to work from your home?  Could you please add a detailed message on exactly what your looking for.  If it's for a job please tell us what your qualifications are, if it's for a business, please tell us what your interests are so we can answer this questions appropriatly.

  8. I've been doing some work with the past week, all the work is home based, data entry, transcription etc. The only thing is you're competing against people from countries where the hourly rate of pay is a lot lower, so not sure if it would be worth it for you.

    Also have a look at the jobs listed here, most are applicable to us,canada,europe, its quite good, thats where I found the above link.

    Its been updated today to include some Craft type jobs which can be done from home, mainly re-distribution, but it possible to make good money from it if you work hard.

    So many online jobs are out there. In fact, to do any online job, you need not want to invest anything. Make sure, you dont pay anything to get jobs online. It is just that need to pick the one that suits you the best. I hope this helps you and I believe you will find the online job that you love the most. Thanks

  9. If you wish to learn working in pajamas, be your own boss and earn good money in the process, the most effective option to do it is taking up affiliate marketing courses. It is not easy at first, but once you learn it, you will see how effective it is. The best affiliate marketing courses are available at - and If you don't want to pay, then download the free lesson at the page. If you believe that it is a ripoff, then I would deeply advise you reading this site - Loads of people are making huge cash with affiliate marketing, and you can do it, too. However, remember, that it takes time and effort and there is no shortcut!

  10. Hi Rick J,

    There are many legitimate work from home opportunities available to you. There are also many scams out there. You will need to do your home work to keep from getting burned.

    I have a BS degree in engineering and for several years I worked as a structural engineer on nuclear power plants. So you may find that I am giving you a few more details than you desire. But that is how engineers are! Eventually I went off to Bible College and began pastoring full time. As a pastor I was not making enough money to support my family of four. Forsaking my calling was not an option. Neither did I desire to go back to work in corporate America. Traffic, bosses, and other considerations pushed me to work from home.

    The first thing you need to decide is, are you looking for a JOB or a business opportunity. Each one is very different. A job may offer you more security and a steady paycheck but you are building the owners dreams not yours. A job should not have any or very little start cost because the owner is taking care of the overhead.

    A business is not a job. You are the owner and you are the one taking the risk. But you are also the one that will reap the rewards for your success. You are working toward your dreams not someone else’s. Yes, with a business of your own there will be a start up cost. But as you know even a child’s lemonade stand has a start up cost. The parents may buy the lemons, sugar, and paper cups for them but there is a start up cost.

    So first decide do you desire a job where you may have security but you are helping someone else achieve their dreams. Or do you desire a business of your own. You take the risk but you also reap the rewards of your success. For me I am willing to take the risk of building my own business.

    If you decide to start your own business there are some things to consider. First, you need to decide how much money you are willing to invest to get started. Yes there is a cost to start a business, even when starting a lemonade stand.

    Second, you need to decide if you desire to market a product or a service. Which ever you do make sure that it is a commodity that is in demand. To learn more about this watch Brilliant Compensation at

    Third, I suggest you make sure the company has been around for some years. Over 90% of businesses fail in their first year. Then the majority of the other 10% fail in the next 4 years. So chose a business that has some time on its’ side.

    Fourth, make sure the compensation is worth your time and effort.

    Fifth, make sure the person you are working with has the ability to mentor and coach you. Most home base businesses fail because the person does not get any one on one mentoring. No successful business person makes it on their own. They always have a source for coaching and mentoring. The source is often the combination of books and individuals.

    I know this has been long but I hope it has been of value for you. Much success as you go through this journey of life. You will have success.

    To check out what I do type in in your web browser.


  11. Hi! You should never pay anyone to have a JOB from home. If someone is offering employment and asking for money then it is a scam. However, a HOME BUSINESS is different. If you and I decided to open up our own coffee shop then there would be start up costs right? It's the same for home businesses. You work for yourself and the income potential is unlimited. Not to mention the great people you will meet and the fun you will have along the way. You have to be sure you choose something you are passionate about. You can market makeup, candles, health products, etc. I chose to help people save money on their health care. There are many many people that need medical, vision, or dental benefits. 56 million Americans do not have coverage. Even more need a dental plan.

    If you would like to own your own business helping people save money on health care, please listen to a 15 minute recorded overview by calling 712-432-9598. If you love what you hear..then request an interview by visiting ,or call me at 1-866-400-8716.

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