
Does any1 know whats goin on w/ northwest and delta airlines?

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can somebody answer this? cuz im a little scared. look, my dad is a pilot for northwest and hes been talkin alot about how he can lose his job n he has been mad about the whole thing. but idk what the heck is goin on and im scared 2 like if he is ganna lose his job n all i know is that northwest and delta is ganna b merging together but alot of stuff is goin around w/ the whole thing. if anybody knows what the heck is happenin w/ the whole thing can u pplllzzz inform me and tell me whats going on? im so scared. ='[




  1. Luvbug, Delta and Northwest Airlines are going to become one company. This happens a lot. Your dad is a pilot and should not worry about his job. If the  worst should happen and he be laid off, he should be able to get a job at another airline. There will be a period of uncertainty about things at the two airlines, but things will work out. The chances are that your dad will just keep on flying.

    The important thing for both of you is not to worry. Worry is the most draining and useless thing that you can do, so please do not  worry!



  2. That is a possibility certainly.  The merger is happening to save operating costs-primarily fuel, by more intelligently allocating routes.  NW crews have been opposed from the start.

    However, this hasn't been approved by the Federal Gov't; and it traditionally has opposed mergers of this sort on anti-trust grounds.  Also, the ALPA hasn't fully weighed in yet either.  There's still some legal and financial hurdles to cross.

    Even THEN, whether your Dad is still working is going to depend on his seniority with NW, the airframes he's qual'd on, etc.  

    I would suggest you sit down with him, and let him know you're scared and want to talk about it.  I'm sure he's got a backup plan just in case (like resumes to other airlines etc); he just hasn't told you because he didn't want you to worry-it's a guy thing about providing for one's family.

  3. It's a merger , basically the two companies are joining together to make one company. It will be called Delta , dont worry its the guys on Northwest's side that should be worried about losing their job.

  4. It's a merger.   Two companies are going to be one with the intent of being a stronger entity.    

    Your dad's job security depends on several factors.    Union or not,   seniority,   rating in the particular aircrafts which will be used.        Try not to get too worked up until more information is known.

    Great answer,   Jim.

  5. northwest and delta want to save money so they're going become 1 company to save money and gas. (but mostly gas)

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