
Does anybodey know the legal smoking age in mexico, were going there for vacation and yea :)?

by  |  earlier

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  1. I don't think they have a minimum age.

  2. Just call toll free to Cancun at 1-888-862-3806 and talk to Al or Rob at They will be happy to answer All your questions..

  3. It's mostly likely 18 but I doubt anyone will card you unless you look like your 10. Here is a site with tips and info.

    Be careful but enjoy your trip)

  4. Yes, you reach legal age in Mexico when you are 18, even if you are a foreigner and you are not of legal age in your country, when you step on mexican soil you are treated as an adult at age 18.

    There are now some new smoking laws in Mexico, not yet implemented but ask before you smoke in a restaurant, fees are very high.

  5. Hey Im also going to mexico in 3 days and of cousre im underage. But I was courious about this myself. I found out the smoking age is 18 but there pretty slack about inforcing the law. The best place to buy would be from street vendors and little shops in the towns. You might have a harder time buying them at resorts so buy them off the resort. So basicly if you have the money they wont say no. Unless you look like your 6 lol but if your look somewhat over eighteen im sure you willl be able to find some.

  6. I really don't know...


    There ARE better ways to die.

    Like dying of laughter...

    DON'T SMOKE!!!

  7. Cigarettes are nothing though.... The age might be 18 but no one cares. Go to Wal-Mart and buy a few cartons... Bring em back with you. Way Cheaper.

    Dont smoke the weed down there... You will go to prison forever....... If youre smoking the weed, need to bring your own. Good luck with that...

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