
Does anybody BMX anymore i love it but it seems dead?

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Does anybody BMX anymore i love it but it seems dead?




  1. It seems so childish now. All of the people I see with BMX bicycles now are really silly and are just trying to act "cool".

  2. the first guy is correct. If you are good at BMXing, then you'll be fine and should get into a club. People who "love" BMX usually only watch it and ride their biek around.

  3. we have a huge building here where ppl go n others watch-ppl try to do all their tricks there n end up at e.r.-they have a course to go thru tho.

  4. BMX is not dead, its very active it might seem its dead because either where you are or because most kids in your area are addicted to tv or games or internet. Bmx is awsome.

  5. i bmx, i spend a lot of my time bmxing

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