
Does anybody actually enjoy living in England?

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I hear all these complaints from all you Englishmen (and women) about living in England and how everyone wants to leave. I was in the U.S. Navy in the mid '90s and we ported in England several times... I freakin' loved it. I loved England so much that I got my undergraduate degrees in literature and European history (focusing on British Literature & British History) and my Master's Degree in British Literature. My wife and I are thinking of moving to Jolly Ole England for a year or two to enjoy working & living in a place that many Americans find quite romantic and cultured. I realize that you (in the broad sense of the word) have an issue with immigration, foreigners, taxes, and a myriad number of other British topics regarding the Isles. I also realize that any place you go, especially to a foreign country, you will have to make certain sacrifices and take the bad with the good; my question to you is this: Does anybody actually enjoy living in England, and why? Open to all, including American expats.




  1. is there anywhere else thats good?

  2. England :):) Yess loveit. I was born here

    Nobody seems to have loyalty to their country. . .

    But I still would love to travel but Im just too curious, not because im trying to run away from this country.  

  3. Its alright

    i used to love it but the goverment actually make me think what are you doing to this country?

    Englands fine.. its just some of the people that run it that arnet haha.

  4. i love it here its great coz theres barely any crime and it usualy has bad weather but thats a good thing lol

  5. People compain , leave then return seeing the alternatives are worse.

  6. Very few, that is why we are full up here in Scotland.


  7. only eastern europeans and muslims

    god i cant stand living in england its freezing(but it dosent snow) it rains all the time you get like about seven sunny days of sun a year  even then its not hot plus there all these council housed dik heads that do c**p at school then grow up to b drugdealers

    n have loads of kids which all grow up just like their parents its stupid.

    im not living here much longer

  8. Yes! Love it here - wouldn't live anywhere else!

    I think it has the perfect mix of shops and city life and the good old countryside, even if there is a tad bit too much rain!

  9. Love England, Love the Countryside & Love the People,

  10. no I live up in the north of england and I HATE it, they is nout to do here, if I lived down south mabey..but its more £ to live down they

    we went on holiday in wales and i LOVE WALES :) its great, theys hills and the walks are great :) alot of sheep to LOL

    I've been to scotland a few times but I would like to live in wales much better then england and its boring here :(

  11. Love it and wouldn't want to live anywhere else. This is a BRILLIANT country.

  12. I love England.

    Over the last few days, I've asked a few questions about why people hate England so much- like, for example, when did people like the country's Prime Minister. Turns out no-one can answer that sort of question- they have no solution to any of the problems; they just like to whinge about anything and everything.

    In my opinion, the people on this site aren't representatives of England.

  13. England is a great place to live, we just like moaning.

  14. Yes I do enjoy living in England.  I was born & bred in North East Lancashire near the Pennines.  I  now live in North West Lancashire, nearer the coast.  I love both areas and do miss the hills.  I also love to holiday abroad.

    I would holiday in the UK more but it costs more than going where we can get guaranteed sun & warmth for two weeks.

    You can't bet the lovely green fields and hedges in the UK.  It is just the people who have spoilt a wonderful land.  

  15. I'm not writing this in answer to your question, but to thank 'Agony Uncle Andy' for a very eloquent, heart-felt, truthful answer to your question.  

    It is such a refreshing change to see such a well-considered response to a question on Y!A instead of the usual xenophobic, jingoistic, arrogent comments which come from a minority of English Y!A respondents.

  16. I used to love it,  then  I witnessed it's demise, so I left, as I now can't see it's everyday problems I am just beginning to love it again, but the Britain of old that i was raised in, is finished.

  17. Yes I Love It,

    Especially as I am right along the south coast, i like living here,i am a 10 min walk away from the beach, brighton is 25 mins away by train, London is an hour and a half away by  train, there are places nearby such a worthing and chichester where i can go shopping..I Love living here!..sure the weather is **** but hey ho i like it here, Britain has amazing history and SO many places to visit whether they are historical places like castles, theme parks such as thorpe park/alton towers..yup I like it =]

  18. the times in the morning, earl grey at four, the sound of willow against leather, giving ol' johnny foreigner a run for his shilling at lord's!!

    What's not to like about dear old blighty?????

  19. i'm on the fence.

    i want to move when i'm older (to australia)

    & from a teenagers point of view, this country seems to be going downhill!

    my parents disagree!

    suppose it depends where you live.

    i live up north.

  20. have been there, and really liked it , very beautiful country.

  21. No gordon brown is turning this place into a p**p hole. And people in america think we all have posh accents and sip tea well things have changed we now have Chavs who go around stabbing people.

  22. Wouldn't live anywhere else, old bean.

  23. I was born and bread here and would never move any where else I live very close to London which as so much history.You mentioned why you think many English want to leave there castle and you are bang on I'm afraid.Any way thanks for your comments on your visit good luck with your visit.

  24. I do love living in england because i think it has everything - it has beaches, canals, rivers, london, history, modern towns, cottages, hills, mountains, lakes, countryside, and we do get SOME sunshine, and when we do, it is really beautiful!

    i think its a shame some people go on about the rain because there is so much more to it and i think that its also unfair to bring up any little problems like chavs


  25. no

  26. Moaning about life in Britain is just a traditional passtime. I've lived here for many years and the reason I love it is because of the people. Brits don't take themselves too seriously and I love that. People keep each other from getting too big-headed and see the funny side of most things. You can't beat the sense of humour of the English, the Scots, the Welsh and the Irish. All are very funny, and take great joy in teasing each other. They call it "taking the p**s". What a great British expression, eh?

  27. When I lived there many years ago I loved it and wouldn't consider living anywhere else.  Then I met my husband and had the chance to go to a foreign country.  I'm so glad that I did.  I wouldn't want to live in England anymore.

  28. the country is fine mate its the immigrants that come into it to sponge off the state that pi** me off caue all they are doing is draining the economy.

  29. I LOVE England with all my heart.  Yes, we complain, but at times doesn't everyone.

    It is lush and green (thanks to all our 'rain'), it is beautiful and it is home.

    I would NEVER even contemplate leaving England....... even if our summer is pretty none existant.


  30. nope

  31. Q. Does anybody actually enjoy living in England?

    A.  Yes - Poles, Czechs, Australians, Americans, Indians, Pakistanis, Bangladeshis...

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