
Does anybody actually like Ali Lohan or Lauren Conrad?

by Guest65594  |  earlier

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I don't mind Lauren, but I really can't stand Ali. She can't even sing.

I was just wondering, since the media makes a big deal out of them (Lauren particularly) because they have reality shows. But does anybody even care about them (not to sound rude!)??




  1. I like Lauren

    but i hate Ali !

  2. ali lohan is tacky and only cares about fame.

    lauren seems nice, but at the end of the day all she is, is a rich girl from orange county who got lucky with her looks and managed to make it on mtv by doing nothing

  3. Half of the people i know , including me dont care about those two ..

    i mean Lauren and her show is totally fake , and its all about doing " a good show " ..

    for Ali , yeah i agree , she cant even sing .. its just another Lohans blah ..

    but there's some i know that LOVE Lauren and believe everything in The Hills , saying that its true .. though everybody know that just the working part is only true , but the fights and all that c**p is nothing ..

    But i've never seen someone that actually love/care about Ali Lohan  , she's nothing too .

  4. i like both of them!!

  5. I wouldn't want to meet LC in real life, she doesn't seem nice.

    And I really find Aly annoying..

  6. I don't like the Lohans.

  7. no i think

    they stink

  8. i love Lauren...the Hills is awesome...i hate the Lohans! Ali is lame and so is her whack sista and mama

  9. lauren, i like her but then i dont at the same time. she has never had to work for anything in her whole life. she grew up in a wealthy area with millionaire parents and basically got whatever she want she she wanted it.

    then she moved to LA where she 'works' but she still basically gets everything handed to her without having to do very much.

  10. i like lauren. not so much ali... she sounds like a guy.

  11. Ali Lohan is a complete brat who is only famous because of her sister. I don't even know why Lauren has her own reality show (The Hills). Why is she even famous?! No on really cares about them to answer your question.

  12. I totally agree!!! The media make a big deal bout Kim Kardashian too........its getting very tiring

  13. i like lauren, jsut sometimes she can be like a bratt.

    and ali, idk. shes okaay @ singing, she seems like a nice girl though

  14. love them both, ali's a bit annoyin tho

  15. People care about Lauren, but she's slowly fading away. The Hills' rating have gone down 5%! [doesn't sound like a lot, but when you think about it it is] I think her whole feud with Heidi has gone too far and people are tired of it. It's like "Come on! What else is new?"

    And for Ali, no one ever cared about her and people stopped caring about her sister. She's had a little publicity recently because of her L*****n-ness but that's dying down, it's obvious it's a publicity stunt.

  16. Lauren is awesome!

    i love the way she dresses!

    i can't stand ali!!!!

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