
Does anybody actually like McCain?

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I know some people like McCain but i live in boston and most people up here like Obama so i was just wondering if you do like McCain why? i've never heard anything good on his side so why vote for him? also what state do you live in just courious




  1. I like McCain a lot, he is a real man and he does what he thinks is best, he has a good record in congress and he will be your next president...Boston is very small and insular compared to the middle of the country...

  2. I used to in 2000.  Probably would have voted for him.  Now, thanks to his irresponsible pick for VP I think he's gone nuts.

  3. No one with any brains at all, will vote for McCain.

  4. hey i use to live in boston so you're cool lol....republicans like mccain because he's republican...he has never said anything good on his side and he is a complete idiot for picking a woman as his running mate.  obviously he is trying to get women votes just because he has a woman running with him....and i live in california (blue state) and i know back in boston everybody will vote for Obama  

  5. A simple quote from Sen. Hillary Clinton form day two at the DNC: "No way, No how, No McCain".

  6. I live in Maryland, the state the proudly declares Nancy Pelosi doesn't live here anymore !

    You've never heard anything good about McCain because you listen to liberal sources. Plus, come on Boston, you guys elected Ted "let her drown" Kennedy and John " give myself 3 purple hearts" Kerry. Whats in the water up there ?

    Might I be so bold as to suggest that you take just one week out of your life and listen to Rush Limbaugh on radio. Then you make up your own mind. I am a solid conservative but I've still read BOTH of Barrack Obama's books, and his own words are what drive me away from him. He refers to us as "whitey" over and over again. His ideology is pure Marxism and he stands for nothing but himself.

    McCain on the other hand, has served his Country for 27 years in the military and the Congress, has never been involved in 14 million dollar sleazy land deals, doesn;t call terrorists like Bill Ayres his good friend, didn't attend a church run by a racist minister for 20 years, isn't affilated with any unindicted but recognized terroriost organizations and has led his life honoably. You were saying ???

  7. Yes, I absolutely love the Maverick. He's the best thing that's come to Washington in 50 years, and has continuously proved himself. I'm from Maryland. A traditional blue state, like yours. But see liberals are lawless, violent people. You have McCain supporters in Boston, but they're afraid they're going to get stabbed if they speak their mind. No offense.

  8. Well yes... And November will prove it...  

  9. Yes I do.  The man has continuously put the needs of his country over the needs of his party or even one wing of his party; that's why those who are very conservative don't like him very much.

    I live in New York.

  10. His fellow Republicans don't like him.  He is known for having a bad temper and have called people names like "sh*theads" and "a**holes" at fundraisers and on the Senate floor.  He yelled "F*ck you" at another Republican senator in an argument about immigration.  He tells warmongering jokes like "Bomb, bomb, bomb, bomb bomb Iran" to the tune of a Beach Boys song.  He has told a horrible joke about the 12-year-old Chelsea Clinton and Janet Reno.  He apologized for it after someone suggested him to.  He resorted to calling his captors in Vietnam "gooks", a racial slur, instead of intelligently using some other term that describes his disdain.  He admitted that he made a mistake in voting against the MLK holiday but he had 25 years to acknowledge this mistake; he waited until he ran for President to do so.  He made it obvious that he doesn't care if people like him when he said, "I rather lose a campaign than lose a war".  He doesn't care that people are fed up with this unnecessary war founded on a lie.  He just wants your votes.

    P.S. It seems like a lot of people giving answers are forgetting that the question is about McCain, not Obama.  I don't see clear reasons from those who like McCain on WHY they like him.

  11. i would NEVER in a million years vote for obama. i live in IL and he has done absolutely nothing for this state. i wish everyone could live here and see him for the sham he really is.

    our murder rate is up 13%, everyone here is crooked even Obama got his house from a man who is now in JAIL, our transit system is crumbling to pieces and we have the highest sales tax in the country just to name a few things. and people think he can change a whole country...too bad he failed at just ONE state.

  12. h**l NO!!! but HE WONT GO!!!

  13. I never heard anything good about Obama...Florida

    McCain/Palin 08

  14. to old not a clue that it's 2008 and his VP has NO foreign policy experience.  

  15. i live in ohio and pay little attention to what i hear.  i pay attention to what i see and know.  what i know is that obamas brand of socialism is wanton and reckless and WORKING americans who know better dont support it.  i know unilateral surrender is a ridiculous policy, its obamas signatture move and doesnt properly protect this country. i also know that liberal draconian taxation doesnt help this economy or this country as a whole, allowing the free market to operate does.  mccain understands these things..obama does not.  thats why ill vote for mccain.

  16. Let's put it this way. He's a lot better than a guy who used to go to an anti-American church and is friends with a terrorist.

  17. the polls and the voting mcahines are obviously rigged..

    mccain cant get 100 people to come and hear him speak....obama gets 100 000 and they are tied....



  18. I like him a lot.  

  19. I'm afraid my state does. Obama should have gone with Chet Edwards.

  20. I am not an american but I am just giving my opinion for what its worth. I have been following both candidates. I am afraid McCain will be another Bush but even more radical. All the same mistakes. I do not think he has the age nor the health nor the common sense to run a country if he did he wouldnt have found Miss Empty Head from Alaska who is gun totin killing off all the wildlife in Alaska. she doesnt believe polar bears are at risk. read about her viewpoints its scary. So I do not dislike him but I think he will pull the country further down a hole of despair. Obama makes so much sense. When I hear him speak I am envious that he doesnt run in our government. I believe in him.

  21. He's an old, stupid, white, republican. I don't know who can like him. I guess some IGNORANT people.

  22. I don't like John Mccain, especially now since he picked an inexperienced person to be his vp. It's obvious that he trying to pander and trying to get the women vote. It will backfire on the old f**t. He said 2 weeks ago that his main criteria was to pick a vp who is ready to step in if something happens to him. What was he talking about. What a reckless choice for a vp. Obama/Biden 08   I'm from PA

  23. Yes I like McCain, I voted for Him in 04.I live in Illinois.

    also I don't hear great things from some people here about Obama.Looks like some of them would know better than people in Boston.

  24. Obama 08!

  25. mccain will get my vote because he is not a racist like obama

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