
Does anybody believe in this bigfoot discovery?

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Does anybody believe in this bigfoot discovery?




  1. No.

  2. Actually, I do. There are so many types of species in the world that we couldn't possibly know them all. Like the depths of the seas, and the corners of mountains, caves, who knows! The world is bigger than we think, and for all we know there could be a "big foot" colony. Most likely lots of colonies.

    If we are here, then how is it impossible for something like them?

    There are rare cases of humans being born with their bodies covered in hair, face included! Maybe a those people were cast away in the ancient times, and forced to live in the woods where the superior humans didn't cross their paths.

    They have found so much DNA and evidence of a species that they can not define. They have tested hairs that are human like except for the fact that they don't have the ability to absorb water as well, and the ends are tapered, rather than cut, or snipped. They are found in areas with other wild life and they can not match the hair with any other woodland creature within 100 miles.

    Watch the History channel.

  3. No,but like everyone else I am looking forward to hearing real results from real tests.Sometimes I think I can see where something like that could exists but still where is any proof? At some time or another there would have to be bodies found,a habitat of some kind all animals have that.Yet the mind does wonder.

  4. yeah I saw that press conference about it yesterday. I think it is such c**p. I totally don't believe it. One thing that I don't understand is if it is phony why are they making such a big deal about it and calling the press. If found to be fake wouldn't it totally discredit those guys forever. Well, in any case they must be making some money because now they have been elevated to like this level where you have to pay $1000 just to explore with them. Couldn't they have found a better picture than stuffing that thing in a freezer?  

  5. Not until someone qualified has had a look at the body, instead of bigfoot hunters with financial gain to keep the public interest up.

  6. if it was me if i saw bigfoot i would put my camara on video and take a freaken video of him

    and take 100's of photos

    even make him pose for me

    not just 1 stupid photo of his lips and mouth that dont even look like a mouth


    if your going to hunt "bigfoot" take a camara and know how to use one

  7. Sounds like a crock of bologna  

  8. i just heard about it yesterday and they are only having the person that found it discover the facts about it and i think that is very weird i think they are making it up.

    and to answer the question -NO

  9. I'M not to sure if i believe or don't believe BUT there is always a possibility...

    I wish people weren't so quick to say things aren't real....everyone is just scared to think that there is other kinds, other than us.

  10. There is definitely something out there but I doubt it's big

  11. I belive there is a "bigfoot"creature, but Im not too sure these guys have a real one. why hasnt anybody else found any "remains" yet?

    From what Ive read about this story, there are too many shakey details, and the story changing from day to day.

  12. it has already been discredited

  13. conversation last night-

    dad: katherine, look! they discovered big foot.

    me: i don't care.

    haha gotta love that teen angst.

    and yes, the myth of big foot had to come from somewhere? it's dumb to say something doesn't exist because if you think about it our existence is pretty amazing. so, why not?

  14. No

  15. no just like i don't believe in the easter bunny

  16. I don't really know. The picture looks real,but the people won't reveal where they found it, and claim it's because to keep the other living things there safe. I don't know. Until we get more proof, I sure don't believe it.

  17. no, because bigfoot is chillen at my house

  18. no, dna tests have proved that the men were lying... One of the two samples of DNA said to prove the existence of the Bigfoot came from a human and the other was 96 percent from an opossum, according to Curt Nelson, a scientist at the University of Minnesota who performed the DNA analysis

  19. No, its just a urban legend!

  20. I don't.

    I haven't seen any pictures of this bigfoot and the guy isn't revieling where he found it.

    And anyway, isn't the big foot myth from Europe?

    That would be like finding the loch ness monster in the Gulf of Mexico.

  21. I'm surprised that the media thinks  the American People are that stupid.

  22. They've already said the DNA came from a possum.

  23. I would say yes.

  24. As strange as it is, I would love to believe

    that something so odd can exist! I hate to say

    this but it looks like the remains of a gorilla. : (

  25. Where I do believe in the possibility of a Big Foot living deep in the wilds of the mountains and being elusive enough to escape actual discovery... the surfacing of this "body" does not impress me. the sneaky way they're sending DNA samples not proven to actually be from this "body", alerting the press, not letting scientists or anyone else see it, just raises my suspicions that it's all a hoax. until they let someone inspect and test this thing I won't beleive a thing.

  26. haha no i think it's a bunch of bologna

  27. Nope... I don't think :D But as technology and prosthetics become better and better, I reckon one day you might not be able to tell what's a hoax. But I read that only one scientist has seen the "body", which is a bit weird. Oh well.

  28. A bunch of BS about BF!

  29. Katie K.

    There were three tests done - one proved to be closely related to humans, the other opossum, and another was inconclusive. There is no way to say which is closest.

    DNA tests will be performed Monday by a certified, independent lab.

    Also for others - there are pictures (albeit not very good ones)

    I think it would be neat if a new link was found. Am I skeptical? Of course - but I'm also dying to hear what the results are - just in case.

  30. No its dumb! =P

  31. sure i think so...what else would it be?, but sad how he died, wonder why

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