
Does anybody care about what is going on with Russia and Georgia!?

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There is so much going on here! The World has been in conflict for so long and now this! We as a World our hurting financially, We are going through peak oil, and just about every large power is involved with taking control of situations that do not pertain to them. When are people going to stop being bystanders?




  1. Georgia=evil

  2. i care

  3. For Putin, I believe it is more about the ability to show force than the show of force itself. Georgia has for many years been considered a rogue nation by the Russians. Ever since the end of the cold war when Edward Shevrdnadze became the head of the Georgian government and was frequently at cross purposes with Yeltsin, there has been a rub. The timing is quite interesting!

  4. We might get into this mess. So i do!

  5. Im sorry. I didnt even know.

  6. I heard about it today (I live in New Zealand)


  7. I am care.

    The Georgians attack in bad faith and killed about 1400 people (not military people, and its just last day official data) with heavy weapons, they almost destroy the city. And almost all the people that was killed were Russian (Osetian with Russian citizenship). Moreover, they attack Russian peacemakers there. Ask yourself, what would America do in such situation? IMHO we just have to hit back to protect our people.

  8. No. I really don't care about some former soviet state. Let them battle amongst themselves.  

  9. I live in Atlanta. I care..............

  10. I do, and you should too.

  11. You better pray that we have a President that has the RESPECT of the Russkis, et al.  or if we get obama, he and the U.N. can negotiate. or have a hootenanny & sing peace songs....

  12. If it's not in their backyard or front room they don't care.But if they had a family member in the military or if the fighting was in their face they would care.Watch we're going to end up over there too.It may keep bush in office longer.Just what we need........that would suck  

  13. people have been in conflict with each other for years..things are indeed only getting worse..

  14. No, not especially.  

  15. We have lost all credibility of any moral authority, force doesn't always work, so what should our strategy be?

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