
Does anybody do it yourself put a new wire onto your phone outside the wire ?

by  |  earlier

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Phone wire outside was old is anybody done that, do it your self put a new wire on?, Just curious to know..




  1. anything after the demarcation (demarc) is your problem, anything on the telco side of the demarc is the local telco's problem.

    on your side, you can basically do what ever you want, but if you do it wrong, the telco has the right and OBLIGATION to disconnect your service.

    There are many sites on the internet that can instruct you in the Bell Standard Practice to wire your own phones. Just maintain the BSP and all will be right with the world.

  2. Outside wire would feed back to the telephone central office and will either be aerial wire, connected to poles, or buried.  Either way it is not feasible for someone other than the telephone company to replace.

  3. The wire comes down or up to a connection box.  This is the place separating yours from theirs.  Anything on your side of that is yours and you are responsible for maintaining it.  Changing it is not difficult.  You need some wire, fittings and a tool to attach the fittings.  The peiople who sell that should be glad to explain how to do what.  Most of the connection boxes now use a plug-in connector so it becomes a piece of cake.

    If the wire toward the street from there is the problem, just report it and a staticky phone.  That is the phone company's problem.

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