
Does anybody else agree with me? ?

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neither candidate in my opinion is right for america.

yes, we need change.

yes, we need someone who will make these changes.

but mccain won’t do that. He's like a 2nd president Bush.

and obama doesn’t know how to do it. All the promises he makes won't happen..he's just sugar coating everything to sounds nice.

i’m extremely disappointed with both parties for choosing these candidates. And that no matter which one wins we're screwed...

Anyone else agree?




  1. McCain is like Bush, but I must disagree with you on Obama. There's no way you know what he can do. Especially with Biden and Congress on his side. Obama's the best choice. A bit of doubt or George Bush 2.0?

    And the race isn't as tight as the polls would suggest

  2. If you believe McCain is exactly like Bush, you have not been paying attention. I do agree with you that Obama is all talk though. He is all fluff and no substance.

  3. Your starting to see the bigger picture!  Both of them suck but each get a pass cause they put the right against the left...

  4. No one is perfect so you do the best you can. Look at the big picture and Vote McCain/Palin.

  5. Obama is the one saying that McCain is Bush's 3rd term.  You have to listen to McCain to see that that is NOT true.  It's only something Obama is trying to spread around so that HE can be elected instead.  Don;t buy into it.

  6. To a certain extent...yes

    But if you think McCain is another Bush,you need to catch up on your reading... Bush is far to the right.....McCain and Lieberman are the same kind of Democrats...(yes..the word was meant)  Sarah is the only Republican running....

    This race is getting more interesting daily......

  7. No, I don't agree. But I must complement you for not liking Mccain/Palin. You're smart with that decision. But I do feel Obama/Biden are the best ticket to get things done. Obama is a very smart man and Joe Biden has tons of experience so the duo will be great for America. Change will come once Obama is elected.

  8. No candidate will ever be perfect.  But you have to decide which issues matter to you most.

    For me personally, I believe McCain/Palin are the more capable and the ones that meet most of my beliefs. I am not overly religious, I am a minority woman, single mom, environmentally conscious, and middle class.

    I want less government and more civil liberties.  I want a secure country and not another Carter.  Carter caters and appeases to dictators.  You cannot deal with evil with hugs and dinners.  You must deal with them with strict resolve.  They are dishonest -- why wouldn't they be .. they sacrifice their own people for their own gains.  

    I want less programs and the ability for me to use my money as I see fit.  If I spend it all -- well, I should not be bailed out.  I understand the need for programs for those with things beyond their control but only as a temporary solution not as a long term or permenant solution.  

    I want our people and country to be able to self sustain and not be reliant on others. I don't want our deficit to keep climbing and our dollar devalued. How does Obama plan on all these great programs he has in place for everyone that needs it.  well, if it is free, trust me EVERYONE will want to get in that line.   And how do you expect him to pay for it?  It will be from you and me -- yes, all the low, middle and upperclass ...EVERYONE.  Free healthcare does not work ... look at the programs in France and Canada. Ask anyone with money... guess where they come?  they pay to come to America just to get their healthcare.

    Many people think that Palin is inexperienced.  She is the only candidate with executive experience.  She is the only candidate that has the ability unite across parties.  She is the only candidate that has real life experiences and isn't part of the "good ol'boy" network.  She is the only candidate that understands oil and energy.  She is a tough negotigator and she can hold her own.  She is also eloquent yet strong.  I am confident we will see how well she can hold her own.

    And if you look at McCain.. he really is not a 2nd Bush he is definitely more about less spending. Palin is not a 2nd Bush she is far outside the beltway as you can get, literally.  

    yes, I am a McCain/Palin supporter but I did it based on my research and also based on the fact that more spending means less for us.  And at the end of the day, we all want to be self-sufficient and want to be able to provide for our loved ones.  And they will allow us to have that opportunity.  

    Don't look at just the mainstream media for information ... dig deeper.  I listened to all sides and quickly realized that Obama speaks about pipe dreams and his ideas are unrealistic.  If you give more programs out there for people to take advantage of ... guess what, they will and who will pay the bills?  the average americans who are trying to provide for their own families.  Not the super rich and not the super poor... but people like you and I who are just trying to make ends meet.

    Hope that helps.  Sorry about the long message but I am passionate about our country and am super grateful for the fact that my parents immigrated to this country ... why?  because of the opportunies America offered and that they did not have in their homeland.

    So, I am passionate about McCain and Palin, too.

  9. yeah i hate them both

  10. I agree, i am dissapointed right now with the choices we are stuck with

  11. I most definately agree, but we need to make a choice with the candidates we do have.

  12. No....I don't agree.

    I'm going to vote for Obama....because at least he sees that something needs to change.

    I think Obama will put people in place who knows how to deliver on the promises he made.

    A President depends on the people around him.....and I think he'll find the right people for those positions.

  13. At least McCain doesn't have terrorist friends and a Preacher that hates America or a wife that hates America Obama thinks we have 57 states what an IDIOT!!

    McCain has a brain not so sure about OBAMA

  14. i agree it is a total shame that this is what our choices come down to. I have met many people who are disillusioned by both these choices. Many people have stated that this election is the first they have felt not to vote for either democrat or republican. but you knwo the one with the most money wins.

  15. i don't agree with you. so what maybe obama won't go through with EVERYTHING he says because yes it is a extremely hard task, but atleast he is ending the war, thats all that matters to me, but he wants a change and he believes in a change and i think he will try, what? do you want america to stay the same way thinking it's impossible to change and that it will just stay screwed forever and there is no hope for us? NO, we need someone that is atleast trying to make these changes and i don't think he'll be able to do it all but he can start and the next president can follow in his foot steps. were not screwed.

  16. I feel the exact same way. That's why I'm Independent. I wanted Hilary to be in the running.  

  17. Yes, I think these are two very bad choices.  Frankly - I like their running mates better!

  18.     I have more concern aboutm the international scenario being plaued out on a global scale. Sometime in the next few months, Israel WILL hit Iran hard.  The very thought of Obama making ANY decisions about this incident, literally puts me in a cold state.  We can NOT afford a rookie, newbie or some smuck who will have to turn to his VP for advice.  One error, one miscalculation and this country you are squabbling about, may not ever be the same.  THAT is why Obama is dangerous, not just unqualified.  

  19. At least Obama  doesnt force his CHRISTIAN BS on me

  20. No, I disagree with you. You're wrong.  

  21. McCain is not you Britany Spears?

    McCain picked Palin because she in honest and he is. They have integrity, good people, they will change and chase away the crooks. No one know that?

    Palin is tough and will clean D.C.

    obama is fake and a liar, he and his wife hate the US and white people, she wrote about it in her thesis, and obama lied about wright.

  22. Vote for Bob Barr!  He's also on the ballot.  Your vote will not be wasted if you vote for who YOU believe in!  I agree with you, and personally, I WISH Ron Paul was on the ballot, but as of now I'm going with the lesser of two evils.

  23. This is the third election in a row that I have been utterly disappointed with both the democratic and republican parties.  

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