
Does anybody else alongside me, In Britain, disagree with the membership of the EU?

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The UK's losing it's identity if we stay in it- soon we'll not only be following the laws of some random german EU official or what ever but we'll be using the Euro- The Pound Sterling is a heritage not just a currency!!




  1. the keep your currency! where is the problem?

    Nobody forces somebody to drive an Italian car, drink German wine and eat Austrian cheese. Sorry in a free country you can live as you please. That has got nothing to do with the EU. Britain even joined the war against Iraq despite the EUs disapproval.

  2. Meantime, in the real world, trade, jobs & prosperity depend on our links with the EU. Lose those links & we risk losing everything.

    But at least we'll have our heritage to go along with our poverty, so that's OK.

    Seriously, we need to get a better deal from the EU but a poor deal is still better than no deal.

  3. As an Irish person, I'd also like to see the UK leave the EU. Britain has never contributed anything to the project - its high time you left.

    The EU would be better off without Britain.


    The problem HamburgN is......

    we were lied to about the EEC,a trade agreement was all WE were told.

    We have been lied to and denied a choice.

    The twisted eu version of of the you`r leader just changing the name of the defeated constitution.

    Oh yes and 11 years running of eu accounts being rejected by auditors.

    as far as i am concerned you can shove you`r poxy,corrupt,dishonest union!!.

  5. I posted this as a question previously. The whole thing started as the EEC, a free trade area. How it evolved into the EU I don`t know. An absolute disgrace.

  6. I could not agree more.  When Ted Heath took us in it was to the European ECONOMIC COMMUNITY not UNION!  It was supposed to be just a free-trade organisation and that is what the UK population agreed to in the referendum; however, the free-trade has never worked properly for us, we have ended up subsidising French farmers etc and are losing sovereign rights to Euro-crats as well as getting lumbered with top heavy rafts of eurolaws and vast numbers of unwanted immigrants from the newly joined euro states.  Brown and Blair have sold us down the river and no doubt have been recompensed handsomely!  We need to completely withdraw from what is now becoming the USE (United States of Europe) and become British again.

  7. I think the question should be who agrees with membership of the EU in Britain <nobody except those with a vested interest>We are =Brits= and should remain entirely so. Despite efforts to prove the contrary.

  8. It is becoming more and more evident that many people in this country (Britain), are opposed to not only membership of the EU, but even the existence of such an all powerful superstate largely run by an anonymous bunch of super rich people who are answerable to no one.

    The problem is how do we regain sufficient power over what purports to be our own government, to get them to do what we (quite probably the national majority) actually want them to do, rather than them (the politicians), doing what they consider is likely to be best for them!

    Regrettably, I can't figure out the answer to that!

  9. Avondrow has hit the nail right on the head!

  10. I completely agree with you! I cannot stand that the UK is thought of by other countries as being part of Europe at all. I accept we're part of the EU though, and it's good for our economy that we are - But being in the Continent of Europe is a different matter. As for the Euro - I agree, it's heritage, and I soooo hope that doesn't get taken away from us too because it's all we have left! Just the name of it - "Euro" - makes me feel physically ill.

  11. I have no problem with mutually beneficial trading agreements , but when our laws are being enforce by EU dogma I certainly take umbrage at that . . In particular all these crazy PC issues that makes it more difficult to arrest and lock up criminals

    I think on balance I would prefer to be out rather than in , but I am sure that some business people will be on making a good case for the opposite

  12. Presumably because we are an island race there are many jingoistic if not racist and emotional comments on here against the EU. We all have a point of view, but perhaps some should consider the old adage 'the hotter the response the less the logic'. I had the opportunity once to speak to a very highly regarded economics expert and his view was if your priorities are the long term financial wellbeing of our country then membership has to be a good thing. He readily acknowledged there are many  politically motivated points of view which are more important to individuals which will cause them to oppose membership.  Personally i really cannot appreciate how individuals expected such an arrangement to work without considerable legal harmonisation. As for the unit of currency etc being a plank of our cultural heritage, do me a favour. That is parochial to the point of  embarassment.

  13. you're right soon britain is going to sink in the ocean due to over population

  14. I think we should come out of the EU because the laws that we live by in this country are not our laws that have been laid down by this government or the queen.  They are laws that have been passed by Brussels and we have to abide by them... This country is not England anymore so the men that died for this country in the second world war, died in vain , that's what i believe anyway.  Also the people of this country should have listen to Enoch Powell because his words have come true....But don't start me off because i could go on about how this country has been run into the ground for hours...

  15. I think a lot of people agree with you. I'm all for peace in Europe - which was the original purpose of the union, and closer ties with our neighbours, and easier trading, but all of this can be achieved without becoming a homogeneous federal state and sacrificing our Independence and identity.

    I was born a subject of the United Kingdom, not a citizen of the united states of Europe!

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