
Does anybody else believe it's wrong to make money off other people's labor?

by  |  earlier

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As far as I can tell, this is how the upper-class make their money. I.E. owning a business and hiring employees. Same thing with stockholders of corporations. These people seem to take whatever they can and throw crumbs down to their employees. Too me, this very much resembles slavery, and I'm sure if slavery was legal, they'd buy some of them too. I don't know, but to me it just seems immoral.




  1. It's wrong to a certain point, but if people had to make their own products themselves, things would be a lot more expensive and take longer to get. Mass production and assembly lines are what keeps things going.  

  2. sounds like you don,t have any money Edward, or not much.    but you have a conscience and that is good,    there is truth to the saying "nice guys finish last" and some don,t get to finish at all because they are too nice, but don,t let that desuade you from being the intelligent nice guy that you are,   morals are a good thing, and the world would be a much more moral place with people such as yourself Edward,      

    you know there are alot of people, who people make moneyoff of,   movie stars and celebraties, think it is an honor to provide incomes for hundreds of thousands of people.        look at it that way,   there are people out there who would pay people to be slaves for them to be their slaves,      

    the money game,    keep your head above water Edward,   good luck to you and God bless, oh, and YAO CHEAN    

  3. sure

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