
Does anybody else dread speech class??

by  |  earlier

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just wondering bc i have speech next semester and i am so totally nervous .... bc i hate standing up and talking in front of the class...




  1. yeah was there, I am scared of speaking in front of a crowd. But when you do a few presentations you get so wrapped in presenting your idea that you absolutely forge about being nervous. I still use some the skills learnt there because you are contantly presenting ideas

  2. i felt the exact same way, but once ya get it over with its like a 1000 pounds off ur shoulders

  3. It takes a lot of the nervousness away when you are well prepared.  Prepare for the speech w/o thinking of performing it.  Practice saying it outloud several times and go thru the motions of what you will actually say and do.  Its the easiest class to get a good grade in.  Because then all you have to do is stand up and do what you did when you were practicing it alone in your room.  Everyone wants to be entertained and everyone wants to listen to a good speech.  

    Oh, and start with a question (or a quote).  That's a great opening.

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