
Does anybody else feel like they don't match their zodiac sign?

by  |  earlier

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Mine is Leo, but I don't think I act too much like a Leo. Is it because I was born on a Cancer-Leo cusp, or my moon sign (libra), or what?

And of course the question I posted I am curious about to.




  1. Like the other answers it could depend on your other signs..rising and moon signs. It could also be that you might take more of you Chinese sign.  What year you were born can affect your zodiac sign.  

    I am on the cusp of Virgo/Libra and I have more of the Virgo traits.  However there are some traits of the Libra in me.  I am also a Dragon sign, and with the three signs combined can create more balance.

    For some they can't just look at their one sign, they would have to look at 2, 3 or all 4.

  2. Yes i am like my zodiac sign Aries.

  3. I don't know what to believe when it comes to these things. I am intrigued by zodiacs but I don't think I believe it 100%. I'm a Gemini and everything it said about a female Gemini was completely true for me it's like they stalked me or something. I am still hesitant.

    Plus I have a twin.  

  4. Ladies, this could flip your lid, but depending on the zodiac calender you follow there is a sign, Ophiuchus, which is left out of our traditional horoscope mumbo jumbo. The earth passes through the constellation Ophiuchus between scorpio and sag.

  5. you should find out what rising sign you are.

    personally i feel more like it (gemini) than my own sun sign (scorpio).

    go type in google free online birth chart (or natal chart),

    and get it done somewhere there.

  6. I'm a Leo but I've been told by quite a few people that I don't act like a Leo. I was born on the Leo/Virgo cusp and my moon sign is Aries. Apparently I'm more like an Aries but not by much. It doesn't make much sense to me really.

  7. I'm a LEO also. I feel I act like a LEO tho.

    Characteristics considered positive

    A person born under the sign of Leo is very:

        * Creative [6] • Proud • Risk-taking

        * Fun-loving • Dramatic • Dignified • Theatrical

        * Passionate • Affectionate • Ardent • Loyal

        * Loves attention • Very strong • Independent

        * Noble • Leader • Sunny • Bright

        * Magnetic • Kingly • Powerful • Enthusiastic [6]

        * Protective •Adoring •Playful • Inventive

        * Generous [6] • Supportive • Warm • Broad-minded

        * Expansive • Faithful • Warmhearted [6] • Loving

    Characteristics considered negative

    But is also prone to be:

        * Bossy • Patronizing  ÃƒÂ¢Ã‚€Â¢ Pompous • Dogmatic • Pushy

         • Over-dramatic • Argumentative • Possessive

        Interfering  ÃƒÂ¢Ã‚€Â¢ Jealous • Self-serving

         Voracious •  Intolerant

  8. probably because your rising is in cancer and your in the cusp of cancer, i dont feel like my sun sign either sometime, im a scorpio sun / pisces moon,,,, i feel more like a pisces majority of the time

  9. If i didn't know my entire zodiac wheel, i might feel as you do, that i don't "match" my sun sign.  I am a Capricorn, so according to conventional astrology wisdom I should be pushing to the heights of some profession.  But, I'm not doing that...  it turns out my sun is in the 8th house of the wheel, the house of mystery  ???  that certainly explained some things about how i've always been connected to the esoteric...  but also why I don't play the traditional Capricorn role.

    Astrology is fairly complex, just as we humans are complex.  Where your sun, moon and planets were when you were born all have their energies.  So sometimes, energy suppresses the effect of your sun sign while enhancing other energies.  If you  have enough interest, you might like to have a professional explain your WHOLE CHART to you, it might be MYSTERY SOLVED for you!  

  10. I am an Aries woman and I fit the discription to the T

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