
Does anybody else know that Tyree's catch hit the ground?

by  |  earlier

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I have a 100 screen in HD and paused and frame advanced the catch (or is it?)and clearly saw the tip hit the turf. Anyone else notice this?




  1. first of all why is this under golf?! secondly i think it may have touched the ground. his right hand had it and then at the last second his left grabs it. so i would say he had possesion. it was a good no call by the referees but a terrible call by not reviewing it. it was close enough that it could have been reviewed and close enough that losers like us are talking about it on the wrong subject page. ps amazing game

  2. Doesn't matter if both hands are wrapped around the ball. Get over it!

  3. Yes, it hit the ground, and yes it should have been reviewed.  The only problem is that the official in the review booth is probably a member of "Crackhead" Mercury Morris's Champaign Crew!!!  They were popping corks getting ready to pour the bubbly!!!

  4. It was immaculate, never touching the ground. Your TV sucks like the cheating  Pasterisks.

  5. Doesn't ,matter the game was two days ago. Get over it.  Even it did it doesn't matter, it is over.

  6. In golf, the ball is supposed to hit the turf.

    By the way, you're wrong and, apparently, a sore loser.

  7. Too late.  Water under the bridge.  They won't change the outcome.  Giants win, Pats lose.  Simple as that.

  8. No.  I too have a wildly clear picture and also reviewed the catch repeatedly on YouTube.  That ball does not touch the turf.  It's close but not there's no contact.

  9. I was wondering the same thing. I didn't know it was allowed to use the ground to help catch or maintain possession of the football.

  10. yes I did see the Golf ball hit the turf .

  11. everyone in the new england states

  12. GIANTS

  13. It hit the ground, but he had control of the ball, so it does not matter. He made the greatest play in football history, we see that catch for decades to come!!!!!

  14. I am sure if it was close, Harrison would of thrown a fit, it was in fact under 2 minutes

  15. Waahhhhhhhhhhh!

  16. I Did Not

  17. First, this is a golf forum.  Wrong area.

    Second, the ball did not touch the turf.

    Third, for sake of argument, let's say it did touch the turf.  That's karma catching up with the Pats for the "tuck rule", "Spygate" and for anything else Belicheck has gotten away with.

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