
Does anybody else miss their elementary school?

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Well, I've been thinking a lot about it lately. I went to a great elementary school with winter festivals, fieldtrips, fairs, it was so great. But, soon, I'm going to be a freshman in highschool and i was just wishing that somehow, I could be a little kid again, when I didn't have to wake up soo early, when I barely had any homework, when making friends was as easy as 2+2. Life seemed so much easier and I just wish I could go back. But I cant be the only one, uhhhh, am I?

Oh and another question, how long after you leave elementary school do they have a elementary school reunion?




  1. Frankly, I miss it very much. Most people told me before I was going to start high school,"High school is the best time of your life!" It got me all pumped to get there. Unfortunately, it is definitely not the best time of my life. I hardly get sleep. I don't even have time to join any of my school's clubs/sports. I don't have the time to even sit down with my family for dinner for at least 10 minutes. I always stress out over school. I skip days of showers (Yes, I know. It's disgusting.). But honestly, there's no time for anything besides homework. I have lost my enthusiasm for school. I don't want to get you worried. It's probably just my school! Good luck in high school. Hopefully, it WILL be the best time of your life.  

  2. lol Elementary school wasn't all that great. I mostly miss primary school when I got to take naps. I hated nap time in primary school and would just lay there for the entire time looking at the ceiling. Now I pray they'll make a Nap Class just to give me a small hour break.

    High school is hard but you gotta push through it and not let it bother you. I'm about to graduate so I'm just ready to sail away. Just give it time.. it'll come together where you will make friends.  

  3. I know exactly what you mean! The only pressure you had was trying to go to sleep at naptime. Everyone was friends with everyone, and you actually woke up in the morning EXCITED to go to school, grades weren't an issue and boys had cooties.

    hahaa good times, good times. Things were so care-free and fun!

    as for the elementary school reunion, I don't think they exist... or at least, I've never heard of any that do. it sucks, i know.

  4. OH yeah i totally miss those days. Those days were just golden but sooner or later we have to grow up everybody misses something from their childhood I guess ours is Elementary school. Well elementary school seems so much easier now because mostly every single day there is so much drama and work on us that we just feel like just leaving and going back to those days where we didnt have to do nothing at all. So your not the only one. The only reason you feel like this is because you got to much in your plate so start taking it easy a little and going with the flow.

    About the other question I dont really know my school never said anything about an elementary school reunion. Well maybe our schools are diffrent but it cant be to long maybe like 5 years later or something

  5. I do to and I don't know about he reunion

  6. lol. elementary school reunion.

    well, elementary was better. not much drama, easier work, fun times. but sometimes i felt as if i worked twice as hard in elementary than right now. lol

    so i guess right now im more relaxed. dont really miss elementary. the closer i am to finishing school, the more im happy. (:

  7. I sure do! I graduated this year and just moved in yesterday. We don't have elementary school reunions, only high school ones....but 5 years.  

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