
Does anybody else realize that Muslims, Jews, Hebrews, Kabalists and Christians are all descendants of Abram?

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or Abram in the Bible... They're family! Obviously when one stops converting the others pick up.




  1. Yup. I learned this 2 years ago in 9th grade World History. I had a great teacher.

  2. all family but different beleifs, kabalism is a form of jewish mysticism which they picked up under slavery from the egyptians

    jews, hebrews, christians is the successive story

    Muslims claim that islam follows chiristianity, but they fail to acknowledge a world wide flood, or chirst as the messiah, so that's no good, you can't call christ a prophet of yours and then refuse to beleive anything he said,

    yes God said to Abram, your name will be Abraham and you wil be a father of many nations, didn't say that all those nations would beleive what you beleive, but he said his offspring will be uncountable as it wil be so large

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