
Does anybody else suddenly find themselves rooting for Hillary Clinton? ?

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Let me be clear that I am NOT a democrat! But does anybody else find themselves rooting for Hillary Clinton? I mean the democratic party has completely turned their back on her to support Obama. So does anybody else hope she takes off the gloves and comes out swinging? Never in a million years did I think I'd ever find myself saying this, but go get em Hillary! Knock em dead!




  1. "I will take their profits for the common good"

    Uhhh, no.

  2. The Obummas think they are holier than thou...................

    I hope McCain wins by a landslide....and why haven't the American people woke up to this nightmare of Obama becoming president.

  3. NO

  4. No.....she is terrible in every conceivable way.....

  5. Yeah, scary ain't it..

  6. Nope.  Just cons who so desperate wish that she was who they were running against that they are making campaign commercials as though she were running.

    I don't know which is more pathetic, Hilary or cons.

  7. I find it odd that Obama's campaign has found itself flush with donations while Clinton was begging for cash, but now everyone is acting like everyone hates Obama and loves Clinton. It just goes to show you that we pay attention to whoever complains the loudest.  

  8. Memo:  Hillary is no longer in the race.   Would you suddenly find yourself rooting for Obama if the tables were turned?  I think not.

    Scott B - that was funny!

  9. I suppose you root for Ron Paul then, since the GOP has turned their back on him to support McCain.....

    Or maybe you root for Satan since every form of christiantiy turns their back on him to support God?

    (no, I am not equating anyone with god or satan)

    No, I root and support the candidate I think can best lead this nation.  Not for a party, parties don't have my best interest in mind.

  10. I do not understand your reasoning. SHE DID NOT WIN! People need to move on. She did Obama dirty in the primary and she is getting what she deserves.  

  11. Um... no.  I find her to be ungraceful and crude when she should be putting the party before herself.  She was beaten fairly and should move on doing her best to help the party win the national election by supporting Barack without all the underhanded comments and crude remarks.  This question and some of its responses has just shown how she's divided the party.  Do you really want that for your president?

  12. this is sooo hilarious... the only reason republicans and conservatives are rooting for (lol) hillary clinton is because they realize their candidate john mccain isn't president material just like the current george bush!!!!

    dont be ignorant or racist and understand that the country is better off with OBAMA as president. this is 2008 people. the world is watching...

  13. yeah... and I feel really dirty for it

  14. Sure, a bunch of Conservatives who have a candidate that they don't even believe in...

  15. I feel sorry for you.............

  16. I am a Democrat and I did not vote for her then and I don't support her now.  

  17. Nope.  Pretty much just you.

  18. CLINTON LOST OVER IT ALREADY Geez you Repugs are as bad as her supporters.

  19. I don't know where you get your lies but Obama has many more supporters than you think when it comes down to the wire, no true Democrat is going to vote for another 4 years of a Republican , especially one who clones Bush in every way with the same campaign rhetoric and actions.  

  20. I heard that 95% of all Bosnian Snipers favor Hillary.

  21. I feel the same way and its almost - repulsive!  For years I was so anti-clinton, but I will take 8 years of Hillary over Obama any day of the week and twice on Sunday!

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