
Does anybody else think Zheng Jie is good looking?

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For some odd reason I keep on thinking Zheng is attractive and I am not sure whether I am the only one who thinks so. Anybody else finds Zheng good looking?




  1. she has a nice little petite body but her face is so greasy if she laid out in the sun long enough you could fry chicken on it. I wonder it anyone's tried it? lol With all that butter on her face she's good to get lost with somehere in the wilderness. Just get some food, lay Zheng out and go Rachel Ray on that face lol

  2. No. She just looks like every other asian girl out there.

  3. id hit it

  4. Ya I do believe there is some attractiveness in her. and she really play very well yesterday. To be in height disadvantage she really give a good fight and show how talented she is.

  5. your definately the only one!

  6. No you are not the only one.... i for one find her pretty hot haha... shes nice and petit and athletic and shes just naturally good looking..... many people would agree with you

  7. She's a Chung Mung babe.

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