
Does anybody else think that Infant Potty Training is unnecessary and neurotic?

by Guest59954  |  earlier

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I am in a state of shock that in the modern western world, that this is being practiced and preached.

Im sorry but I believe that this is invasive and totally over the top. I have 2 children that I am giving my everything to with regards to nurture, care and attention. When we were out and about they were not being held over pots and sinks, etc. My eldest trained at 2 and my youngest just recently at three.

Do these parents resent having to change a poopy nappy/diaper or buy them in the first place. Alot of it suggests having your baby naked so you can watch and time his/her eliminations. What about dignity for your child, what about the comfort of being all cosy in their babygrows and nappies as little babies should be??

I am open minded about alot of things but I cannot help but be shocked at this method. What are everybodys thoughts on this.....have a look at the link...




  1. Oh for god sake! another new age idea that some middle classed hippy thought up.

    How ridiculous.

    What's wrong with using nappies!

    Yes its very neurotic!!!

  2. The claim that it "Provides hygienic respect for your baby" gives me pause. If I was incontinent and had limited control over my body, I would want the _dignity_ of a regularly changed _diaper_...

  3. Great Idea!! lets allow our babies to shite everwhere instead

  4. Different strokes for different folks.  For many people, it's a cultural thing.  I would not do it, but that's just me.

  5. It seems to me that people try to potty train early just because they don't want to change diapers anymore.

    My son is 22 months old, almost 23, and we haven't started yet.  We know he's not ready yet.  

    But in a couple weeks we plan on buying a potty chair to see if he gets interested.

    People who force potty training on their children are crazy, I think.  Let them do it on their own or else they won't.

  6. I certainly do believe in potty training.  My grandson has started sitting on his potty and he is certainly not naked to do so.  I think the last thing we need to worry about, is the childs dignity, surely there are a lot more things to worry about.

  7. I read this with interest until I got to the part that said 'completion of training will occur by about 25 months.' Right, so you start at the age of 0 months and you have to endure 2 whole years of watching your child, anticipating when they need to go, finding a 'container' (yes, I'm sure if I visited someone and my baby had to go they would love me to grab one of their mixing bowls to collect my baby's poo!) and holding them over it in time. Then at age 2 the child will be able to go themselves. Hmmm, funny that, but isn't that the age when most children learn to use a potty/toilet anyway? So I could endure 2 years of all that or I could rely on the ease of nappies and then potty train my child in a matter of days or a few weeks when they are actually ready when they are about 2 anyway? Hmm, I wonder which toileting method I will choose when I actually have children?!

  8. Do you even know what botty training is? Obviously you dont.

    Botty training is to get your children out of nappies and used to going to the toilet themself. It helps them be independant and it helps them to control themselves and not just 'wee.' Its part of them becoming a toddler.

    When they start school at 4/5 years old they cant wear nappies they have to use the actual toilet independantly on their own. And if parents dont potty train, then by the time the child is meant to start school theyll still be in nappies.

    Potty training helps them, its the start to wean themn out of nappies and to get them usingthe toilet. The actuall toilet is to much a big step so we start them on the botty over about 1 1/2-2 years of age. The first 2 years they are always in nappies. I doubt very much that you have seen a 3 month old baby without a nappy and if you have that was obviously an isolated case.

    THERFOR potty training your child IS INFACT PART OF NURTURE and respect. It helping them grow up and develop into infants.

    And youre in a state over the western world... lol.. oh please.

  9. you have got to be kidding me...this is the most idiotic thing i have ever read about infants.  infants have no idea how to control themselves..their bladders and bowels are too tiny to have any control over them...they are also saying this is sanitary?..yea right i dont see how it could be..the babie are bound to have accidents with nothing on and they say this is sanitary and BETTER than potty trainng at 2 years old...they also say its easier?..HOW? have to hold them in a bucket basically and WAIT for them to do their business..sorry i would rather my daughter 1 have her privacy and be ALONE when she does it like we all like it that way and also be able to just change her as soon as she is done..that is a waste of time and energy..pfft..ill stick to waiting to train my daughter when she is ready..more than likely when she turns

  10. i think that we as humans have evolved and no longer need to have our babies naked and going to the bathroom (ie ground) from the moment they are born.

    we have since invented clothing, nappies/diapers, toilet paper, toilets etc.

    i think this method is as old and out-dated as when adults were naked all the time and going to the toilet on the ground.

    i believe that children should be able to live in todays world with todays luxuries such as dignity, warmth, comfort and respect.

  11. This is quite ridiculous - as you say, totally over the top.

  12. in my books a year or when ever they start walking is key to start training, even if they just sit on the pot once or twice a day until around 15 months when they can feel the urge to pee and be able to distinguish the proccess of elimination. Anything before then, is a waste of time  

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