
Does anybody else think that it's really sad how people behave on the internet?

by  |  earlier

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I mean...On yahoo answers and youtube comments, and everything that allows anonymity, people argue, swear, and say the most IMMATURE things just because they know nobody knows who they are.

It's ridiculous, you can't go anywhere now without having to sift through cussing, slurs, and just negativity everywhere.

Yeah this is more of just a rant then a question, but I'd love to hear you guys' views on this =]




  1. Not just mean and vulgar-perverts too!

  2. Oh definitely,  it's really just sad. I try to be quite friendly online - however it seems EVERYONE is out to get you, and it almost seems some people actually  go out of there way to think of a way to cut you down.

    If that isn't bad enough, theres people gain some kind of 'Social Power' online, specifically MMO games or chatting clients - and basically get immunity from peers *cough*sheep*cough*, so get the power to assume everything they say is right, no matter how wrong (Morally, specifically), however the next person could say the same thing a day later and able to use it to tell him he's wrong.

    Most of it is by ignorant people who are experienced online, or simply some teenagers either looking for attention or a laugh (This is usually more Mischevious than 'Bloodthirsty'.)

    I think it's an age thing, however not from some annoying teenagers - since many people who are actually alot older cause far more disruption. I'm not saying every one of them do - infact i'm mostly talking about the range between 18-30 (And again I don't mean everyone of you.) It's probably worse than a teenager just going around calling everyone a "Jack-Off" not knowing who the person is than someone who's been on a while cursing some one off for being niave or giving opinions, being serious.

    No offense, but theres going to be people calling people like me and you pansys or just tell us to buck up - These people are most likely those who attempt to take advantage and be cruel to others since... Well they got nothing better to do besides mask themselves online to try to hurt people emotionally (Yes, it's a serious matter - Everyone has their limits.) God, it definately lowered my standards after an hour arguement with a 20 year old after she kept saying that 'Kids shouldn't be here' and decided to curse me, a 14-year old, on a 13+ rated game.

    Every group of ages really has this problem since I have met alot of intellegent teens being complete ***-holes, however this doesn't mean they werent ignorant...

    If you don't think it's a problem, I don't mind. I just mind if you think that we should apparently suck it up just because we have a voice and opinion.

    Like another person (sorry i forgot your name) above me said, people are so insensitive on here...


  3. I just tell it like it is.   I have a profile and you can send me and email anytime you want  to.   I am not like some on here.  They got their email turned off and they are to scared to tell something about their self.  Some of the women on here act like they are goiing  to get raped over the computer.  I don't blame some of these kids for not puting a way to be emailed.   I haven't really heard any cuss words on this site.  I made a statement about some of these illegal mexicans and yahoo  answers took my comment off.

  4. I agree. I personally think that people act this way because they have more freedom online. They don't have to worry about their ideneities or what people think about them. I think this is how people truely are, with out any kind of personal sensor on what they say.

  5. Absolutely. Very irritating

    Especially on Youtube. You can't go on any music video without some random idiot bashing the band/singer to the point of putting in detail about how they want them to die or something.

    They are too chicken to face reality, so they hide behind their computers and type out stupid stuff, because they are too bored with their own lives.

  6. I agree. I play MMORPG's Massively Multiplayer Online Role Playing Games). I used to love table top RPGs because I could have play a fun game and hang out wiht some friends. My first MMO that I played was WoW (World of Warcraft). It was a fun game. But soon rude really ruined the game for me. I have started playing Age of Conan, another MMO, and hope that most of the bad apples stay with WoW. I hope to see a nicer player base with the new game. Time will only tell.

    In gamespeak, what you describe is called a Troll. Trolling is a term used to flame, or irratate others. And unfortunatly, our internet has allowed their ilk to badger people anonomously without reproach.

  7. this site is REALLY bad about that.. I read some of these post and i literally get sick to my stomach.. not just the swearing but the insensitivity of people. A person wrote in yesterday and said they wanted to kill themselves but needed something to hold onto.   Someone answered "go ahead , that's just one less moron in the world".. I was floored.  I know this is just a web site but had I been that person and I read that, I would have done it.. People don't understand that there are REAL people on here seeking REAL answers and real hope.  Though most of it is just comedy and "arguing", and maybe I am making a big deal of nothing but it's stuff like that that makes you wander where humanity is.

    someone a question the other day about illegals the fact that they could not find a job because of illegals and out of 20 answers or so, about 17 of them wrote in telling her she was a lazy bi** and she really didn't want to want, and she's a liar, stupid, retarded, etc.   Those people didn't know him or his situation but they were sure willing to judge him.. I have seen this a lot.. It's sad. Some people have no friends and come on here for support and get treated like trash.. What do you do??  

  8. you're all pusssys

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