
Does anybody else think webcams are weird?

by  |  earlier

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My friend who's living overseas found a program where we can talk on a "phone" thru the computer for free, and also hook up a webcam. Am I the only one who thinks this kind of technology is a little weird? I know it's commonplace now, but still....




  1. came from aliens...the government dosent want us to know they have a connect with aliens .......and I'm not crazy

  2. its kinda weird , it just takes time to get used to :)

    good luck  

  3. I don't think it's weird.It seems that nobody is informing you about advanced technology.  

  4. I think it's great personally..

  5. I like them because you can actually see if your talking to a man or woman, their general age etc.

  6. It might be a little weird but a lot of people just want to see there loved ones faces whether they are through a webcam or real life i like using mine because i am far away from my parents and i like to talk to them once in awhile

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