
Does anybody ever remember cleaning rice?

by  |  earlier

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Maybe is just me, but my modda and grandmudda dem used tuh make me siddong and clean rice..i dunno what exactly I was looking for, but i had no choice but to do it.. i still eh figure out d concept of it.. anybody ever had to do dat?




  1. Yeah gyul, I remember sitting on the "stoop" by my aunt picking rice and hoping ah eh bounce up no weevil and dem. It was still better dan shelling peas and breakings from de worms.  Oh GEED!

  2. Lol @ yuh eh know what exactly yuh was looking fuh...Haha. Ah remember cleaning rice fuh wedding time. All of de ladies limin', telling back in de day stories and well makin jokes. We had tuh clean de rice so many times. Afta one person clean it, it pass through someone else's hann tuh see if dem miss someting...Ah eh know if anybody does clean rice still or pass it under water a few times and calling dat cleaning rice? Lol. Yuh know we in modern times now.

  3. Yeah, up to this day my big sister does play she still want people to clean par-boil rice, I does be like NI**ER Please!!!!

  4. yeahhhhh i dont know at which point exactly we stopped whether its because ppl just stop doing it cause we got lazy or because the quality of the rice improved but i remember we poured the rice out on this thing err i forget the name it was a half cut thing hehe anyways and yeah we'd clean it if im not mistaken i remember we doing that with dall and peas and stuff hehehehe

  5. Is Par boil all the way these days..... Loooooosh that was pressure..

  6. Cleaning rice was therapy

    Shelling peas was torture!  Jouvert Girl yuh hit de nail on its head with dem worms ewwwww!  And as a kid I was scared of worms, caterpillars, and other creepy things - I rather face a snake than those icky creatures!

    Cleaning peas - looking for pieces of foreign matter - than was therapy too

    Grating coconut (sorry grandma, yuh must be rolling in yuh grave thinking what montrosity coconut milk is)

    Defrosting the freezer (I've proudly puncture two before my mother sensibly bought a frost free refrigerator)

    Washing all the unused glass ware in the cabinet!  Tons and Tons, Glass pots, dinnerware, serving pieces, drinking glasses!  Oh I was glad to leave home!  Every Easter and Christmas they have to be washed!  And the thing is, we never used them!!!!!

  7. my granma was set in har ways, afta cleaning de rice i have to wash it 3 times, har floor has to be shine wit coconut brush, no polisher to sen up har light bill.

  8. Girl you moving like Granny and them

  9. girl not rice alone nah. i used to have to clean lentil, split peas and pigeon peas too. it was that yuh had to take out the rotten rice and look for stone in the peas.

    I did real hate that wok.

  10. girl, i sure as h**l ent cleaning no rice no more.  Pass that under some water and put it in d pot.

    I remember meh Grandmother used to have we siddong with ah basin of rice and yuh looking for: stone, dirt, peas (it used to have dhal and lentils in it) rice with husk still on it, and every other foreign matter. lol then she going and wash it bout 10 thousand times to get out the starch before she boil it.

    Gawd, i used to lovve to shell peas. and looking fo d worms and dem and throwing it on meh cousins lol.  now me ent like the taste of fresh pigeon peas eh, but i will shell it any day.

  11. Yeah girl! Ah tink we was looking fuh weevils or de lil black grains ah rice. Lawd I usta hate dat job! I was about three or four when ah started doing dat.  And meh granny would real wash dat rice afta boy...wit a lil tip a squezy tuh boot! LOL! me and Uncle Ben five minute rice yes!

    Girl...why you didn't tell me you wanted roti? Ah made paratha on Sunday and dese boys and dem well buss dat up one time. I woulda send some fuh yuh if yuh had say!


    Ent @ Jouvert! Fuh real gyul...some a dem worm usta get REAL big!

  12. girl, just this evening my mother have me cleaning rice!!!

    picking out d lil black ones an thing.

    i does see reall ppl here still doing dat.

    after ah clean it, and gone ah wash it an ah whole set fall down the sink, well ah get level cuss, cuz u know rice scarce!!!!

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