
Does anybody ever wonder why they don't teach memory training in schools?

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if they made it a mandatory course they could dramatically improve the study skills of a lot of students




  1. I totally agree with you.  When my daughter was in 4th grade, the teacher took time to teach them proper study skills.  My daughter is now in 8th grade and will be starting high school this fall.  She has had straight A's since third grade and will be receiving an honor award for Platinum Honor Roll for all three years in middle school.  I feel the teacher who took the initiative to teach her children great study habits helped my daughter to do this.  My friend's daughter is the same age and has a higher I.Q. but does not thrive in school because she has no study skills.  Her mother, my girlfriend, has tried to work with her daughter to teach her what my daughter learned but no real results.  I truly believe good study skills and memory training could definitely change the success of our children and the world in the future.

  2. It's because the government have forced the schools to teach so many other things.  The schools have too much to do in too little time.

  3. I agree.   I have noticed that my students lack study skills and so little time is spent teaching them these strategies.  With our current educational "reform", teachers spend too much time teaching to the test rather than teaching discovery and skills that will benefit them later in life.

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