
Does anybody find that sociable people or socially skilled people are usually of weak character ?

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i.e. sly manipulative




  1. No, but if they are quick with words and perceptions, you may be left wondering about them.  If you are slow and deliberate, with riveting their attention, the tendency will be for them to move ahead of you and not even notice your slow burn.  Try deep eye contact and see if they can meet your gaze.  Observe how others deal with the same people.  You need a method to evaluate people who set off this red flag for you.

  2. Yea, I have noticed. Maybe it's because they are so alike that they all get a long. I don't know.

    In order to 'deal' with them maybe just don't associate with them because why would you want to be with those people?

    If you have to socialize with them, then be very confident with yourself and be likeable!!! Mingle with a lot of people so they can see what a cool person you really are before anyone tries talking smack about you.

    Just be yourself and have fun!! Don't think about what kind of people they could possibly be. Enjoy yourself and others will too! =)

  3. No, I don't think this. I am a Sociable person and I'm not sly or manipulative, nor do I lack in moral integrity. I think it's very wrong that you're making thees assumption's and you need to think about who you are hurting whilst making post's like this.

  4. no not really, sometimes they are manipulative, other times they 're insecure,

    get them on the insecurity or find out their fears,

    don't give them a chance in power don't ever promote them.

  5. 100 percent yes!since early childhood I have picked up the undercurrents of situations.. It is good to meet a fellow like mind..There character flaws are just more obstinately developed! They think less. You or I see more then others..Other reserved people are self same..Jane Austen was this way

  6. Well, if I don’t like a persons behavior, I won’t associate with that person. I don’t think all sociably skilled people are weak in character though.  

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