
Does anybody find this weird?

by Guest33234  |  earlier

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There is a much older lady at work. ( I'm a female, as you can see by my avatar.) The Dr. that we work for pushes her around alot. Today at work, she comes up behind me and asks me if I need a message and rubs my shoulders. I said no thanks. It made me uncomfortable. I think it was weird, and I think the lady isn't all there. What are some of your opinions on this? Also, about a week ago I was leaning back in my chair, and she lunges forward and says I can't resist, and kind of tickles my side. I thought to myself WTF, I could understand doing that to a little kid. I am currently in the process of finding a new job, so I know I need a new job.




  1. It's a little strange.  Have you tried telling her to stop, that she is making you uncomfortable.  You should, whether or not you decide to move jobs.  Yeah it could be awkward but you should do it so that she will stop (if you decide to stay) and so that it won't happen to any other people who end up working there.  Might as well call her out on it.  Just simply say, you prefer not to be touched. I don't like being patted on the head, if someone does it repeatedly I usually ask them to stop.  There is no reason not to.  Good luck with everything!

  2. hey everyone has different boundries. you just need to tell her what yours are.

  3. I have an older lady at my office who does simular things.  Comes up to you and hugs you and trys to tell you what your doing wrong with your life.  We (the rest of the girls who aren't under her direct supervision) usually say "ha woo personal space" or just shrug out of the hug.  I think older people thenk they have earned the right to tell the younger generation what to do an ddon't care about what they do.

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