
Does anybody get a headache after chewing gum cause I do lol and does anyone know why?

by  |  earlier

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I love it actually but after like 5 minutes I have to spit it out cause I got a headache lol




  1. I do too!!  But it takes longer than 5 minutes for me!  I think its bc of the jaw muscles tighten around the temples?  But i am not sure!  HAHA, its weird though!

  2. Yea after a while my head starts throbbing and the after taste wants to make me vomit. It's cuzz ur jaw is connected to ur temple muscles and thats conected to everything else in ur head. But this only happens if i chew it for like half an hour.

  3. May be due to TMJ - temporal mandibular joint disorder.  The muscle around your jaws go into spasms.

  4. could be tmj

  5. The headache is from tired jaw muscles.  

  6. Skull pressure.

    Have a nice day :)

  7. sometimes, but only if i chew for a long time.

  8. You might have a tmj (the joint in your jaw) dysfunction...its nothing serious or anything but it may not be fully aligned.

    It can sometimes cause headaches especially after chewing hard food when the jaw is working  

  9. yes i do to but i dont no why

  10. brain tumor?

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